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a brief history

teamboat was founded in 2002. the exact date is not known, but the formation of teamboat took place during a warmup session before rugby training began. it all began when roland played a game of random team on battle.net before training. relating the experience of the game to daniel, roland talked about him having a horrible partner who referred to the unit "steam tanks" as "steamboats". daniel then had a brainwave, and the two of them decided to create accounts called teamboat1 and teamboat2: the name thought up due to daniel's fascination with food and warcraft.

guanghao joined shortly after the formation of teamboat, due to the need for intelligence to balance out the gluttony in daniel and good looks in roland. together, the trio have accomplished feats such as making seoul garden move out of j8. armed with their passion for food and good recommendations from guanghao, teamboat strives to test (and at the same time, destroy) all buffets in singapore.

currently, the strength of teamboat stands at 3: daniel, guanghao and roland. there is, at the moment, only 1 associate member: clement.

tag, you're it!



March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
March 2007
December 2007
January 2008
June 2008

layout and coding done somewhat by roland
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even though i use 1280x1024 =p

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

math math and more math

ok~! math tests for sale!!

ok la since manymany people left the class, mrs kwan dumped me with math tests from the previous january-intakers (not first, mrs. chia hates that. haha) and asked me to distribute them. like wtfffff. sooo currently i have... *drumroll pls* Cheryl Ong's, Jun Wee's and George Goh's math testsss. so if anyone of you are reading this, pleaseplease shout/scream/whatever at me when you see me so i can give u ur math tests! :D

also i have to photocopy all my math notes for the march-intakers. dieee. i'll have to erase all my doodling and whatsoever. lol. shit la anyone got clean notes that they can lend me? haha.

and yay. i've finished my econs essay (which is pretty damn short -__-) and now i'll start on my math tutorial! rawr! go mugger me :D

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:37 pm

Monday, March 28, 2005

1st day =)

ok so today is the first day of term 2. haha. met up with the new people in the class and i must say, they're pretty nice!

first lesson was civics, and mrs. chia had the same old introduction as the one she gave to the first-intakers. haha. sooo after the usual cookie cutter strat of introduction (tell us what you like and what you dislike!!!), i found out that most of the people in the class are in arts by choiceee. hahaha cool. and the 1a01e golden ratio hasn't changed yet. boys 1:2 gals. hahaha. ok la now it is probably 1:2.14 or smth like that, because it's 7 guys to 15 gals i think. hurhur. i won't try to put down all their names because i don't think i can spell them out correctly. haha. ok i know the new guys: eddy hirono, jon, timothy yam, anddd wonky-volition / achilles-moi a.k.a sean!!! haha fellow warcrafter in my class :D:D

second lesson was PE!!! so i went to change first. the rest of the class went somewhere else and i couldn't find them. haha. so i stood around and looked kinda stupid (what's new?), and the gals were asking me to join their PE. yarrr i'm sureee i'm a gal ya? :D i'm such a true blue male man!! after like 20min of waiting, my fellow warcrafters (did i mention jon also plays warcraft too? :D) came with their new pe shirts! soooo we cldn't find our class (since they were enclosed in the indoor gym) and we went for early recess. yay.

third period was LIT! and we all got screwed because we didn't do holiday homework!! GG NO RE!! so she set us harder homework!! like the holiday homework we were supposed to identify quotes and then just analyze them, but now, we have to write FULL answers! but good boy roland has finished it already, hence i have time to blog! hehee.

the LAST period (i end at 1pm! on mondays! MWAHAHAHAHA! ok la 1.30pm including civics which is waste-time) was history, and we were given model essays, or rather, essays that we shouldn't follow to read! haha. lucky mine wasn't there. i got like 15/25 and 15.5/25 for both essays which i did, which is frankly suckyyyyy. bro is getting like 19? >< hahaa. ohwells. at least i know my essay isn't one of the worst! :D:D

to end it off: happy birthday zan! i can't believe i forgot to post this on the blog!! haha gomenasaiii. anyway. too bad i wasn't invited to the party. =( but oh wells enjoy your 17th birthday! haha.

yup so that's about it. enjoy ur "new" classes people! <3~

rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:59 pm

Friday, March 25, 2005

let me tell you about my...


haha that's our new song on our blog. we found it while studying in the library (really!!!) and listening to nigel's ipod. thanks alot nigel! <3~

anyway. congrats to those who made it for the appeals, especially kristine, shiyun and zan! haha. for those who didn't make it..it isn't the end of the road. have an open mind, because the other jcs might be more fun than / as fun as rj. hehe.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:07 pm

Thursday, March 24, 2005


today was the funnest day, because i joined k'rugbydo a.k.a k'aznkboiz. haha. we're ASIAN BOYS!!! when i say asian you say boys! asian ... BOYS! hohohoo. haha so our "OG" consisted of wenloong our k'roo, or rather, k'mole. the rest of the people were steven, don, mark, jaafer, wenjie, me, glen, gaosheng, jj, justin + evelyn, david + cat. lam, just and senthil were drifters that joined us in the later stages. haha.

in the first game, it was the game at the basketball court.. and poor me was blindfolded + hands tied together + legs tied together. so i had to HOP and do it without looking. uggghhh scary. lol. then wenjie laughed and pushed me and i fell like a domino. thanks, wenjie. hahha. owch.

second game was the mummy one, and our secret to success was to stuff the pieces of paper into mark's shoes. hahaha. we started with 25 pieces of paper and ended with 26.. hmm hmm ^^

third game was the spaghetti game. haha. i dunno wtf happened in that game.. it was too chaotic and i was busy playing scissors paper stone or smth. can't really rmbr.

fourth game was the chicks and hen game, and our OG was devastated because we only had 2 chicks! hahaha jk ^^ i sat out of that game due to my bad ankle, and watched the killing begin. lol. it was really funny when the station master shouted "CHICKS CAN ATTACK NOW". whoah it was a mad rush to tear balloons up. just think of lam hearing "free food" at brazil. yeah you get the idea.

fifth game was that mass monkeys game (hahaha don.). ya at the start the balls were in the centre so when everyone wasn't looking i picked up lots of balls and stuffed it into my pants + carried some. hahahaha. go me :D

in short, we went around and we won all 5 games by...some cool means. hehe. you get what i mean. haha. our coach once told us... "if you want to cheat, do it, just don't get caught" and we drew our inspiration from his great words :D

cip was quite ok lah. i collected at most 5 bucks. haha. never sold a keychain..like who will buy a keychain for 5 friggin bucks..stupid sia. then there was this stupid security guard who chased me / mavis / abel away from outside funan. like wtffff. the previous security guard let us collect money there.. ohwells. oh yeah i probably collected that little because we went to have lunch @ subway first, and then had at most 50 mins (including walking time) to collect the moolah. haha.

then after collection we were supposed to go to this cool place to hear a band. i envisioned a cool building with air-con and could sit many many people. however, it turned out to be just one bloody field that we sat on. haha. i slept through most of the performance and woke up with a spider next to my face. like wTF man!! damn freaky. lol.

then k'aznkboiz went for our k'dinner, and on the way we overused the k' sound. like "i am k'hungry" or "this is k'slow" or "k'punishment" etc. haha. it's gonna be our new lingo.. i think. hurhur. k'haha.

oh well, i'm k'tired now, so i'll go to sleep (as usual..haha)! k'bye! enjoy your good friday tomorrow peeps!

say A-A-A-Asian! say A-A-A-Asian! say A-A-A-Asian! *clapclapclap* Asian!
solid moleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:52 pm

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


so yesterday it was my dad's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! i <3>damnbloodydark. so lam covered the back, and i covered the front. luckily both of us didn't get raped. yay. when we reached guang's house, it was O2 calling time! we helped guanghao call the people on his list (because he was too timid to do so :D) and i OWNED in winning eleven 8 again. like TOTALLY. i think i'm king man. hahaha. okok jk ^^ then we felt hungry and went to chomps but everything was closed =( sad to say, this post will not be the usual food post that is the specialty of teamboat! we slept at around 3 (after me and guanghao played an exciting match of chinese chess) and then woke up at around 6.15. ok la only i woke up. daniel the bear was sleeping like a log and guanghao woke up and went back to sleep again. haha. anyway. the sleepover was really nice, thanks guanghao (and ur parents ^^)!

sooo today was O2. i went to rj, brimming with anticipation, in search of hawt chix to come into my og. needless to say, i was filled with anguish when i saw the new people. 3 guys and 1 gal. i don't really find guys hot/cute/chio, hence i was dejected and went to stone in the canteen. haha. O2 was ok la. the storyline was, as usual, lame. but i understand the constraints the scriptwriter had when he was writing la. so it's okae. however, the sound systems were really really really bad. ok maybe it was the echo from the indoor gym, but i seriously couldn't hear a shit. haha. so O2 was not very appealing for me. ohwells.

then i went to crash mavis's og. their first station was the steeplechase station. i sat out because of my hydrophobia (actually i just didn't have a clean change of clothes :D) and watched all of them get wet. haha. and i was really tempted to spill a bucket of water on guanghao, but i decided not to. because of his great hospitality. haha.

so that's abt it. i'm pretty sad that there's like only 6 people remaining in 1a01e. especially zan + shiyun. =(((. oh well 1a01d is pretty much in the same predicament, with 7 people remaining. guess arts will be reshuffling and all, but i'll have to see if my appeal is appealing enough and appeals to them and hence goes through. haha.

on an even sadder note, my family friend, uncle ng, has passed away on the 21st of march. looking back, he was a great man, and will be sorely missed. life seems so fragile now, and i'll work hard to cherish every moment with my family.

- never shout at/talk back to my parents
- do homework, don't make them worry
- have fun, but not too much because the promos are coming (it's really quick..)
- help out with chores (the hardest resolution lol)
actually it can all be summed up in "i wanna make my parents happy, and at the same time proud of me". ohwells. i had to beat around the bush :D

byebye! looking forward to tomorrow's CIP.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 6:53 pm

Saturday, March 19, 2005

about yesterday...

so i'm gonna blog about our outing yesterday to brazil, the FOODballing nation!

yup so we were supposed to MEAT at 8pm and then go to brazil TO-GET-HER! but the other group, consisting of eugenetan, clement, lam, jeremy and yipeng went there FIRST! wtf man! gg no re or?? on the other hand, guanghao came to my house. we played DotA and we were the PWNAGE man!! so when the other group called us and told us they were already eating, we were like, OMG MAN! LETS GO!

so when we reached the place at ard 805pm, we were like OMG!! 5 MINS OF FOOD WASTED!! T_T. when we entered the place, WHOAH the place was eMEATting this DAMN GOOD smell of cooked FOOD! there was tonnes of MEAT loh, and i have to adMEAT, it was SUPER-DUPER-UBER-whateverBER good. there were CHICKENS (uggh liver and heart ><), BEEF, LAMB, HAM, BAKED PINEAPPLES and the gosu CHEESE BUNS!!! wow they were GOOD man!! the waitress put down the plate of cheese buns and then it disappeared within 3 seconds!! like GG NO RE man!! haha then she stared at us in this funny way. hahahaha. the baked pineapples were very good too. omgomgomg. yup then the waiters started avoiding us after around 1+ hr of eating!! ouch!! must be cos of lam's pro eating skillz ^_^ then when we wanted to FOOD the bill, GG! 302 BUCKS! BOOM HEADSHOT!

but nevertheless, it was a great TEAMBOAT + extras outing. hahaha. now we know why brazil is sooooo good at FOODball!! ok that's all from me. ^_^

ps. i dreamt about a giant chicken last night.
pps. lam dreamt about the waiter filling his plate non-stop and said it was scary (YARRIGHT)
ppps. guanghao dreamt about a massive potato.
pppps. proof :
phpps. is my primary school! HAHAHAHAHAHA

rolandchuahunk sailed at 2:59 pm

Thursday, March 17, 2005

if you see any weird words on the right, go select View --> Encoding --> Unicode (UTF-8) and it should make sense to you now (unless you don't understand chinese ^^)

rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:34 pm

Monday, March 14, 2005

disclaimer: this is just an avenue for me to vent my frustrations. so if you don't wanna hear it, skip this post

my family friend is dying.

sorry if i haven't been replying to your messages, i haven't been in the best of moods. so my dad's colleague, who i call uncle ng, is dying to cancer and a shitload of problems that come with it.

please people (if you are reading this), pray for him to whichever God you believe in.

he's been one of the best people i've known. friendly, cheerful, and most importantly, he's a lecturer who gives back to society unlike those leechers out there. he doesn't deserve to die. he still has much more to contribute to our society.

so to all you people reading this, please pray hard for my uncle ng, for a miracle that can keep him alive.

to those who have bothered to read this: treasure your loved ones

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:20 pm

Sunday, March 13, 2005

cherish every day you spend with your loved ones

as if it was the last day with them
because you never know when you might lose them

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:27 pm

Saturday, March 12, 2005

k i'm blogging now, can't call me a slacker lam!! hahaha.

so i've decided. my first choice is s05, which is math econs physics history (meph). hehe meph brings back good old memories.. right lam? haha. so yup if i get my first choice i'll probably miss my old class.. which is one of the bestest classes i've ever had! <3 you people ^^ however, since i put rj arts as second choice, my 4 pts might not get into sciences!! so i might still be in my old class. hehe. oh well we'll see how it goes.

so today i had training. it was FITNESS!! and we "sprinted" 8 x 400m for endurance training. haha. the timing was 1:40s per round, which is like 10 secs slower than what we did 2 years ago!! hahahaha. but still it was pretty tiring coz i'm not as fit as i used to be. then agility came, and WHOAH i just realised how much of a psychomotor pro (yup i'm not lying! =D) i am. hahaha.

after lunch we went lanning! i was teh ownage!!! rawr. haha. then lam went for tuition and i stayed back to play 1 more game of dota with the j2s and then went home.

now it's 7.42 pm, i'm starving, and my parents aren't back yet. boo. oh well ok i'll end off here. iwantchocolatebuffet

rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:36 pm

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

mmm. my ding ding dong.

to download the ding dong song, i've uploaded it to a server that will last for another 5 days or so. here's the link: http://s28.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=30EYSS5HZSYXO1UN0E56Q58HC6

yup. school's been tiring. had to restart my hist essay because mrs. chia went through it today and i realised i did some stuff wrong. haha. soo i'm a very busy boat (ask lam why he calls me that) and i haven't written a letter to my mortal in like 4 days! i feel guilty now =( haha.

anyway, hopefully tmr night won't be as cramped up as tonight (although there's still gp essay to finish ><) haha. have fun people.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:57 pm

Monday, March 07, 2005

some interesting stuff...

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%. How about achieving 103%? Here's a little maths which might prove helpful.

What makes life 100%?


is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H A R D W O R K = 8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98%

K N O W L E D G E = 11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96%


A T T I T U D E = 1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100%


B U L L S H I T = 2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103%

So, it stands to reason that hard work and knowledge will get you close, attitude will get you there, and bullshit will put you over the top.

cool eh? :D

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:14 pm

ohh. you touch my tralala

mm. my dingdingdong. hahaha =D okok we have a new song uppp. it's the ding dong song, and i think most of you know what it is. but the host is only giving us 10mb of bandwith a day, so those who can't hear the song, come back another day when the bandwith isn't exceeded (it's just another of our excuses to keep you people coming back to our blog! =P hahaa jk)! hehe.

okok sooo today my class had a new member -- yi peng! he's ard 10 cm taller than me (awwww) and he's SUANNING me like mad (about my height somemore, boohoo =/ ). but other than that, he's some cool dude lah! he just transferred from lam's class soooo there's a continuity with him being associated with teamboat! haha.

yupp so we went to thai express after school for lunch. i had this thai-style (duh!?) chicken curry with steamed rice and it was SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER good. mmmmmm. but my ulcer hurt after eating that. blehhh. =( oh well good food comes at a price...

after lunch the gals went to shib's house to look at her new doggie called marshmallow (shib: i just checked, both marshmEllow and marshmAllow are used... =p) yup so since it was a PUPPY, and not a KITTEN, i decided to go back to school! haha. i love kittens la. then went gymming with lam and we have our gosu TEAMBOAT wolverine GLOVES! haha. after gym we played touch rugby with the touch rugby ppl. whee.

alrite, time to continue with my hist essay. byeeeee =)

ohh, you touch my tralala.
mmm, my dingdingdong.
la lalala lalala lalalalalala
la lalala lalala lalalalalala
deep in the night, i am looking for some fun
deep in the night, i am looking for some love
you tease me, oh please me,
i want (you) to be my love toy
come near me, don't "here" me,
i just can't get enough of you boy
(repeat like mad)

rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:31 pm

Saturday, March 05, 2005

tiring day ><

ok so today was a really tiring day. woke up at 7 and was veryveryvery stoned. so i went for training, and it was pretty fun/tiring. rucking isn't a scrumhalf's cup of tea. hehe. especially for a small scrumhalf like me ><

so after training senthil treated us all to lunch because it was his birthday a week ago. thank you senthil! yupp we ate at seoul garden. we raped the meat as usual, us being hungry ruggers after training. yeah but surprisingly today there were very few prawns slaughtered so i guess the phrase "we will prawn you" will not be that much applicable to us anymore. haha.

after lunch, it was haircutting session! went down to j's salon with mark and don and glen. haircut was gd. it was really relaxing since they helped massage my temples and neck and etc, perfect for relieving all the after-training-stress. and it made us REALLY sleepy too. haha. so i lost like 1 kg of hair, and it looks much neater now. my sides aren't popping out and the back isn't too long and heavy, so it's all good. =) thanks to us knowing suvien and suwee we payed 10bux instead of 38! =D

yup so after haircut we went to far east to look for a toilet, and ended up walking around and searching for clothes there. nothing much interesting thoughh. then went home loh. haha.
okay i'll stop here, gonna catch a few games of dota or smth before the match. hehe.

- added new effect to main pic, to create this effect of solitude, which ties in really well to the pic imo
- added a hit counter, to see how many people visit us (or rather, to boost our ego. =D)

the blog is pretty much finalized. soo if there are any comments (compliments only please =p) or suggestions on improving, please tag them or email me or smth.

have fun ppl.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:50 pm

Friday, March 04, 2005

2nd post! =)

okok here's my second post. hehehe.

sooo today was the bestest friday in a few weeks. haha. ended at 11pm. soooo cheryl, don, junde, leslie, shibani, shiyun, zan and me went to watch HITCH! so while walking we were discussing zan's stupidity and came to the conclusion that there is no one stupider than zan. wow! revelation ^^ o yah zan has a truce with me now so i can't step on her shoes no more (and she can't step on mine! woohoo!)

so anyhow (sounds familiar?), hitch was okay lah. pretty funny at times, and i must say that i learnt a few 1337 skillz from that movie! woohoo time for me to pwn man!! haha. yup so after the movie, we were walking from cine to heeren, then we saw these policemen and zan dared us to blow a kiss to the policemen. then came in the maid impersonation. super funny la. hahaha

then after the movie i went back to rj, met up with lam, did weights and received a nasty cut =(. okok then we had tuition, and today's tuition was pretty easy lah. maybe it's just because i'm very very good at math :D. ok that was just my ego talking. haha. anyway. i'm looking forward to tomorrow's training and then the hair-cutting session! i'm gonna lose like 1kg from the loss of hair.

ok, bath time. gl hf in pwning noobs everyone =)

EDIT: new pic, comments people?

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:22 pm

Thursday, March 03, 2005


okay! the teamboat blog is up and running!! hehe link us people =)

EDIT: alright, it's all fixed. please report any bugs to bugs@blizzard.com thanks =)

rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:15 pm