Thursday, June 30, 2005
ok theoretically, this isn't the end of CTs because there is still a PC paper tomorrow. however, since i can't study for PC paper, IT'S THE END OF THE CTS!!! =D great logic?
ok so today. math. i THINK that i can get an A. ohwells. i couldn't do question 6 because i forgot to expand the other side. liek wtf???? =(( and i spent 30 mins on teh question 12. =( but in the end i got it. because when i brought the root up i forgot to put a negative in the power. dumb rite? =D haha. at least i got the other questions (hopefully) right i guess.
ANYWAYS. on to cheerful things. firstly, we met michelle chia today at j8! =D wow she's quite pretty. even though i see her very often in ads such as lux in the cinemas, you never get to grow tired of her looksss. she's staying in eddy's condo!! eddy you're such a lucky bastard. hahaha =D next time we'll camp over at your house eh? *winkwinknudgenudge are you dumb? hahaha
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:52 pm
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
history paper was =/
first. SEA was quite good actually. i was amply prepared for it, and i had the facts and everything. =D however, in my haste to complete the paper, the organization was bad. =( like i talked about the effects of the GD before the migration and indebtedness. so i guess my essay's pretty disorganised. hopefully not too many marks will be cut off from that. =/
BUTBUTBUT. IH was the killer. i studied only the origins of the cold war, and lo and behold. the origins was a gay question. it was like a punch to the face lidat. =(( so i rushed into the globalisation before realizing suddenly that i did not know shit about vietnam. so in the end i had to use cuba, and tonnes of crap. =(( today i rewrote history. lol.
so i'm guessing a pass would be fine for history. haha. =D
anyway. lit tomorrow. litsux, but ohwells.
problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play problem play celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour celebration of labour connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature connectivity between man and nature and with that i think i'm gonna soo ace lit =D
someone bring cigarettes for me tomorrow. i'm gonna smoke through the paper =D
ok kthxbai
rolandchuahunk sailed at 5:51 pm
Monday, June 27, 2005
today marked the start of big exams after 6 months of slacking. wait make that 8 since november. and it was econs! =D
ok first it was the essay question. there were 2 to choose from. 1 about junk food and the "fat tax", and the other about spas and market structures/economies of scale. so, being the lazy bugger that i was, i chose to not try to remember all the factors for internal economies of scale like factor indivisbility, container principle, specialization and division of labour, technical economies of scale, financial economies of scale and managerial economies of scale.
strange how it just comes out so fluidly here, in front of my computer, as compared to in front of my test paper. hmm. so anyway i chose the "fat tax" one because i felt that i could offer a more comprehensive analysis on it. yarright. i was just lazy =D i said that demand for junk food was inelastic. okok you gotta agree with me here: junk food has not many available and close substitutes. furthermore, only a small % of everyone's income is spent on the junk food, which is because it's a normal good and only people who can afford it will spend money on it. lastly, lets be frank. food that are bad for you usually taste much better. therefore, the combination of these 3 factors make demand for junk food relatively inelastic, right? however those
unenlightened other people keep on arguing that it has a relatively elastic demand, which is making me start to worry at the moment. =(((
meh, on to the drq. i did not understand much of the drq at all. okay sure i could identify the trends, etc. but i had no frickin idea how to expand on the "if you were a financial advisor" question. so i'm screwed. =(((
mcq was pretty much a breeze, because i "finished" the drq around 5-10 mins before the collection, and had time to start on the mcq. there were standard tricky questions, of course, but i think that i was careful enough to avoid making too many mistakes. forgot definitions for merit good, which proved to be fatal (okay it's 1 mark but every mark counts =D)
so i'm guessing i will get a C or a B, considering that i
THINK that i did okay for my essay and quite well for my mcq (keyword: THINK). =D
studied history at venezia after brunch/going home. not too bad i guess. i actually squeezed in a little more information into my already-saturated brain. haha. usually if i were at home it'd be. turn on the comp --> surf net --> turn on downloads and head over to bed and sleep --> wake up --> bathe --> eat dinner. whereas, at venezia i went eat --> talk --> study --> talk --> study+talk --> talk --> talk --> go home. so i guess i was more productive today than usual. effectiveness! haha =D
ok that said, mavis finally admitted that she is a minah. and shib a dumpling. and jon
finally admits that he's stupid. hahahaha. =D
meh. i'm tired. but still hafta cram in more history. goodluck everyone!
oh and i got visit #8888 =D =D =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:24 pm
Sunday, June 26, 2005
important information!!!
I have changed my number to
92972527!!! please change my number in your phonebooks (if you actually have it), thanks!! =)
edit: found some nice way to remember the number.
929-72527. cool eh?
rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:36 pm
just's housewarming!
okokokok 2 days ago (because it's sunday already!) we had housewarming @ just's house! ruggers+1d+1dv1. heh.
ok. just has a VERY NICE house. the land might not be big but it's a BIG houseee and niceeeee. okok first u enter u see the porch, a small garden, and this nice pond with a waterfall. whee. then you climb up stairs into the house through a sliding glass panel. the living room is loaded with sofas and soft toys and soft things to sit on! wheee. proceed on and there's this really nice dining room with this huge table and 14 chairs. the dining room is adjacent to the pond, so you're treated to luxurious sounds of the water falling and beautiful sights of the koi in the pond while eating. wheee. never got to explore the kitchen, so i shall skip that part! =D
second floor is the bedrooms+television/karaoke room floor. just has a NICE and BIG ROOM! it's well equipped for his sexual needs. haha. ok the television/karaoke room isn't too spacious but surprisingly the whole of rugby could fit in there. haha. and there were cool chairs that make a footrest extend out when you lie back in it. coolness. haha.
third floor is the COOL floor! okok when u reach the third floor there are only 2 routes. right leads to this outside balcony which is damn spacious. there's this table with the big umbrella that u usually see at the poolside and it's damn relaxing cos there's alot of breeze. it has quite a nice view too! except for the drain. damn. haha. oh and there's also an OUTDOOR TOILET!!! like how cool is that. al naturel. haha. to the left is the GYM/DANCE room!! wow it's super nice. lots of pillows and stuff. and HOOLA HOOPSSSSSSss. i'm damn good at them lo. unbeaten =p
ok enough of describing the house. RECAP RECAP.
food was good. it was catered by kampung istimewa!!! "900 dollars sir" wahhh i miss those days and the foooood. oh and revada also catered the tarts and stuff, but i don't care. =p i had two servings. yummie!! after that we just sat down and talked about usual rugger stuff. like how jaafer got circumcised (his parents bought him a power ranger toy) and stuff. haha. or how glen does his weights often =D as just told his parents, "the ruggers don't need activities wan lah. they'll just sit around after dinner and entertain themselves". how true. haha. oh and ryan is hotstuffz man. that's why he's ideal for housewarming. hahaha.
we hopped up to the dance room after that. just chased out 1d for us. hahahaha. ok no one felt bad though. there was this COOL exercise mat that said "Do Sports, MAT". hAHAHAHA. ilman held it and it was DAMN FUNNY. then we just lazed around. played with the hoola hoops. jaafer sat on daniel. we had a taopok. aiya usual rugger stuff. ahaha.
can't remember what followed after, we just kept on going up and down. television room, just's room, living room, outside living room, dance room, etc. in the end i joined samtan with 1d! hehe. ok so in the end it was me, samtan, seand, nic, kristine, sarah, candice and an occasional just in the dance room. the ruggers were downstairs. i joined 1d because i got kicked out of my sole transport home - daniel's car. T_T ok so we just lazed around. i was trying to build a pyramid with cards, and was struggling like MAD with my first triangle. then after like a few gazillion tries i finally got it up!! and samtan promptly threw a card (not purposely, i hope) and knocked it down. MY EFFORT!!! =((( sighsigh. after that we played i've never. i discovered very interesting things indeed! haha.
finally went home in seand's car with samtan. it was a squeezeeee. cos samtan is soo fat cos he pon alot of trainings. hurhur. and there were 4 people in the backseat. haha. anyway. dropped off at venezia and then cabbed home. reached home at 1+ am. =| haha.
anyway, thanks just (if you actually read this) for the housewarming party! it was really great! ^^
bye people =)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:08 am
Saturday, June 25, 2005
holy shit!!!
crazy sidestepper/speed demon (:
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:55 am
Friday, June 24, 2005
from shifu's blog!
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
some of it is bull. lol. okay only the flirting part is lol. because i do not flirt =D i'm soooo guai =D try it out at
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:14 pm
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
"I want the men to form two lines,
1 for the men who in their life dominate their wife,
the other for the men who in their life were dominated by their wife"
God looks again and all the men were in 2 lines.
The second line was 100km long and in the first line there was only one man.
"Second line you should be ashamed" God says, "look at my only son who made me proud, learn from him.
Tell me my son, how did you manage to be the only man who sits here in this line?"
The man says, "I dont know, my wife told me to sit here."
Hung Chow calls into work and says, "Hey, boss, I no come work today, I
really sick. I got headache, stomach-ache and my legs hurt, I no come work."
The boss says, "You know Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I
feel like this I go to my wife and tell her give me sex. That makes
everything better and I go work. You try that."
Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. "Boss, I do what you say and I
feel great. I be at work soon........You got nice house!"
An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, "Ah, you're an engineer -- you're in the wrong place."
So, the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After awhile, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.
One day, God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, "So, how's it going down there in hell?"
Satan replies, "Hey, things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next."
God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake -- he should never have gotten down there; send him up here."
Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him."
God says, "Send him back up here or I'll sue."
Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?"
just to relieve some of the pre-ct tension =)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 5:15 pm
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
outbreak! =(
since i have become a very guai kia,
playing games studying until very late into the night, my face has been attacked by PIMPLES! ohnoes!!! *stress stress stress* i think i need to go for a facial =|
i feel like the moon now. =(
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:41 pm
Saturday, June 18, 2005
yesterday we had the teamboat buffet #2 at pariss @ taka!
ok this is what i ate...
shark's fin soup
some vegetables for the fibre =Dblack pepper crabs
tiger prawns
black pepper crabs
honeyed chicken drumsticks
shark's fin soup
black pepper crab
fried prawns on a stick
black pepper crab
chicken chop
black pepper crab
some effing lousy dessert (blehhh)
mexican beef
black pepper crab
ice cream
ice cream
black pepper crab
ya that's abt it. i couldn't find the lobsters though, else my selection would have a little more variety =D it costed like. 50. but it's ok cost i'm getting 50 from lam anyways. hahahaha. thanks lam =P
after the great meal we went to guang's house to. erm. study! studied until like 1.30am before turning the ps2 on. played fifa2005. as usual i won. what's new. hahahaa jkjk. turned in at 2.30 lidat. guang and lam played until like 5 o_O
just back from tuition. am shagged now. will update next time. bb!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 2:53 pm
Thursday, June 16, 2005
instead of "oh no! 11 more days to the common tests"/"shit! there's so little time left", i'm thinking "yes! 14 more days to freedom"/"yay i'm closer to getting over this period of mass revision"
instead of "oh no! i've done so little work", i'm thinking "yes! i'm getting closer to finishing my revision"
see how powerful looking at the bright side is???
ok i'm just crapping =D for the heck of it. because sloman is dry. yet he's damn gd, because i finally understand more of econs! before this the only term i remembered about econs was "sloman".
i was exaggerating, but meh.
anyway, tomorrow there's the teamboat trio outing to PARISSS for buffet dinner at 7pm!!! =D and after that we'll be studying at guanghao's house. wheeeeeeeeee =D
ok this is an utterly disjointed/pointless entry because i'm bloody bored of reading sloman. my life revolves around a few people nowadays, namely nicholas tarling, john sloman and robert frost.
sad huh?
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:54 pm
today we had class bbq at yam's house!!!
so to reach yam's house i took bus 67. ya so when the bus was turning to the left i saw this sign pointing towards the left that named "warren club" or smth like that. and yam's condo was called the warren. so i immediately ringed the bell and alighted, only to find that i alighted at phoenix LRT!!!! not choa chu kang mrt!! self owned. so i took the LRT all the way to the mrt station =D
while on the LRT ride, i was SOOOOO fascinated by the glass panels!!! like they were glass panels, but they are UBER COOL. totally. because rite. whenever the LRT passed a hdb which was damn close to it, the windows (which were clear before that) would suddenly become opaque and then reflect the carriage!! omgomgomg cool mannn!!!! then the whole ride i was contemplating how they did that o.O
it's cool.
okok so the bbq was an unsuccessful one until i went there. because. the fire was damn small. so i took over and then it became successful because....i'm HOT! ok jk. hahah. the bbq was quite fun and good lah. the sotong was GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD. omg. and then the chicken + butter + honey. ahh ahh ahh. orgasmic =D
so now i'm at yam's house. using his (shitty) comp. hahaha. okok i think i shall go play xbox now, byebye!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:15 am
Monday, June 13, 2005
bashbashbash rocks!
* MouLDY_LLaMa is now known as JohnnyDepIsCrap
JohnnyDepIsCrap> :
I_Am_Great> you spelt it worn
I_Am_Great> g
I_Am_Great> *worng
JohnnyDepIsCrap> i know
I_Am_Great> *wrtong
I_Am_Great> *wrong
I_Am_Great> damn
JohnnyDepIsCrap> hahaha
I_Am_Great> talk about spelling thing worng
I_Am_Great> fuck
preda> hehe my penis slowly rolling off my desk and when it falls off its going to hit my cat
preda> err pen is
Firefly> Time for my prayers:
Firefly> Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
Firefly> May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
Firefly> May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.
Firefly> Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
Firefly> And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
Firefly> Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the fbi off our backs, we'd appreciate it.
Firefly> For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.
(sorry if anybody feels offended)
Nydus> hey whatsup
Zoom> GAY
Nydus> ok...
Zoom> GAY
Nydus> dude whats wrong with you
Zoom> GAY
Nydus> i just wanna talk
Zoom> GAY
Nydus> you know, a rumor is going around that you are...
Zoom> GAY
Zoom> CRAP
Nori123> You don't know jack shit
VioletSky> That's not true, I know him well
Nori123> Haha
VioletSky> I'm serious
VioletSky> Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children
VioletSky> Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.
VioletSky> However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.
VioletSky> She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.
VioletSky> Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.
VioletSky> The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
VioletSky> Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
VioletSky> So there.
Nori123> I have actually chortled coke through my nose
acidwar> last night, tony and I decided to stop off on the way to the party to get some beer
acidwar> we come out of the shop a few minutes later and there's a parking guy writing a ticket
acidwar> tony goes up to him and asks him what the ticket's for, parking guy explains that the car is parked in a no standing zone
acidwar> tony starts abusing him and tells him to cram it up his ass, so the guy writes a ticket for abusing him
Nuzzler> haha
acidwar> so tony gets up him even more, and every time he says something the guy writes another ticket
acidwar> 14 tickets later, the guy gives up and walks off
dendyh0> ...
acidwar> and we both PISS ourselves laughing as we walk back to tony's car around the corner, leaving some poor bastard with 14 parking fines :D
Nuzzler> ROFL!!
hahaha irc is so funny
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:23 pm
Sunday, June 12, 2005
okay, in an effort to liven up the place and at the same time push the picture, which i just realised may be offending to some people, down, here comes another entry!
today shall hereby be called the EXERCISE DAY! ok basically after
studying gaming from 9am to 4pm, i decided to get my lazy ass off the chair and go for some exercise!
physically fit physically fit physically fit physically fit haha.
so anyway. exercise day started off with a round of bball!! i just realised that i'm DAMN GOOD at bball. like totally. 3 out of 10 shots went in. EH NOT BAD ALREADY OKAEEE. layups was better, like 5 out of 10. hahaha. there wasn't any 3 point line so i had no chance to
show off embarass myself. =D
basketball was followed by tennis!!! wohhh i haven't played tennis in a LOOOOONG TIMEEEE. we MUST have a class tennis outing again K!!! after common tests =D
then me and my bro went swimming! wah were were HOT STUFFZ man. gals kept on looking in our direction. hmm hmm. =D okok just kidding. haha. swimming is actually veryvery good. it's damn good exercise cos it trains ur body and endurance, and at the same time you don't have to deal with sweaty+smelly shirts! yay! but it can be damn boring at times too. =(
so now i am, wasting time before dinner starts. it smells goooood. =D
in conjunction with my vow to get more organised, i shall now list down what people owe me and what i owe people!!! RAWRRR. better return kae guys!
people owe me:1. daniel lam - boxers + 50 bux
2. sam tan - underwear + rugby shirt + pants
3. shifu - rugby pants
4. shibani - my sis's clothes
5. wee - lunch! =D haha actually it's okay lah
i owe people:1. shibani - bluetooth link + her smelly clothes
2. shiyun - eyedrops
3. guanghao - some giordano shirt + blazer
okae i think that's about it? haha. if i've missed out ur name or smth pls tag!!! and those who do not return shall get a pig head!!! except eddy who will get my.. AHEM head ^_^_^_^
okok dinner is served. haha. cya guys
rolandchuahunk sailed at 6:01 pm
an update, finally!
okay. i'm gonna update because the blog looks soooooo dead. haha.
today was dota preliminaries @ sengkang cc! for the unenlightened bunch dota refers to defence of the ancients - a team game consisting of 5 heroes on each side chosen from a pool of over 60 heroes, each with different skills and abilities. the objective of the game is to destroy the opponent's main base. yadda yadda. haha. ok so the team that i was in, ggGFAT, only got into the second round. =(((. we lost unluckily in the second round sighsighsigh. manymany mistakes. booo.
so with the conclusion of the dota preliminaries, there just isn't any more excuse for me to slack off on the pretense of "training for dota competition" anymore. sighhh. i guess it's mugmode on?
okay so i shall vow to be organised!!! so i'll start with erm. a.. TO DO LIST! yes yes these things are useful =D
roland's to-do list- file my file
- read hist readings
- study lit
- memorise econs
- practice math
- have fun
- have fun
- have fun
- have fun
- have fun
ok i guess i got my priorities right now! yay =D
and i just realised i've been rambling on aimlessly, so i'll end this off with showing u ppl who actually read this cool invention XD

ohh man i so need these mousepads for uhm. better wrist support =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:40 am
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
cip was fun. cept for 3 assholes who made the whole day bad. now i know why rj has the bloody reputation of churning out elitists, and why most people wanna bash rj.
ok so basically. it was the wargame, where people stuck tags in their pants and the opposition tried to pull them out. what
THEY did was not to pull the tags out, but
THEY pulled collars/shirts to impede their opposition, before pulling the tags out. okay i understand the drive to win, but why resort to cheating? furthermore,
THEY barged through people in order to get into the zone to steal the ball. wow you're 4 years older and you can barge through sec 2s, congrats to you, assholes.
next, it was the waterbomb game. the group that i was in charge of did not provocate
THEM. we played by the book, not stepping into the restricted zone and stuff. what did
THEY do? they threw waterbombs at our group members. not that it was wrong, but when our group members retaliated, what did
THEY do? "
fuck off". wait lemme get this straight, weren't we the ones that were supposed to, erm, lead any of these would-be misguided children out of paikia-ism/gangs/drugs by setting a good example?
so with these two incidents, the students in my group naturally got a bad impression of rjc, which we tried very hard to change but to no avail. looking back on their really hurt faces, i seriously feel very guilty. so now that i've seen the ugly side of rafflesians, i have to say that the preconceived notions of rafflesians can actually be quite right sometimes.
so what was the whole point of the cip? for
THEIR points, of course. i doubt
THEY were there really for helping the society and all that blah. unlike some of the people there who were genuinely there to help out and have fun together with the kids. now i know why the pearls system was abolished, and i really believe that it's the right decision. forced cip is no cip at all as it does not mutually benefit both parties.
ok i've rambled on for quite awhile.
anyway, onto the good points. swiss cottage people are not as different as i thought they'd be. for me, i never really experienced a huge
culture shock or anything. and they can be really quite nice at times. you can see that they're really enthusiastic about all these stuffs, which leads me to wonder whether us rafflesians are really, as people say, mechanical. like you never see that level of gungho-ness in us. it's just. work work. i dunno i get different feels from the different cultures. it was also quite clearly evident from pre-u-sem. sighsigh.
but i guess rj has its gd points also. for example, there's this environment of excellence that (is currently failing, but will start soon to) pushes me on to compete for the best. i guess you can't have the best of both worlds.
okay so after re-reading all my incoherent paragraphs, i'm just gonna wrap up. basically, i think cip is really good. it just brings me joy to see their laughter, and how much they enjoy the games that we organised for them. and that i believe, is the true spirit of cip.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:01 pm
Sunday, June 05, 2005
yesterday we went to have a rugby outing @ loong's place!!! so after tuition i had to pangseh my classmatezzz T_T sorry!!! but ya so after tuition, which was revision and BORINGGGGG, i went to eat (by myself. lonelyyyy. i am so lonelyyyy---) at the chicken rice near coro. then when i was exitting it i LEFT MY BAG in there and didn't realise until i reached venezia. WTFFFFff. so i cabbed there and luckily, it was still there. else people would've discovered my.. erm.. stacks of.. uhh.. tuition notes? ya.
so then finally reach loong's place. woohooo. it's been so long babyyy. went up to watch rugby. it was a very open, but in the end close match. hahaha. get the jokeee? =D ok it's bad. nvm. we were accompanied shortly after by the cheese STIX!!! WOOHOOOO. and then daniel lam. ya the cheese stix were still as GOOD as EVAR!!! yay. and poor lam missed the cheese stix, luckily for us =D.
after the match we went to take a dip in teh pool!!! and it's damn hilarious to watch senthil try to swim towards the ball. haha. keyword: TRY. and we were playing the rugby-invented water volleyball/polo. funfun. it's a nigel/steven curse. whoever's team they were on kept on losing. hahahaha. dinner followed shortly after, which consisted of DAMN SHIOK BEEF + CURRY + RICE + MORE BEEF + MORE CURRY!!! and the haagen daz's icecream was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. okok this is turning into a food blog. oops ><
ya so i got raped later in the games room. ugggh. wenjie was ramming my ass while wenloong was touching my nipples. eeeew. ok la i exaggerated. but they almost tore my shirt!!! RAHHHH. so i kicked and punched and escaped. only to get caught again. grrr. because they koped my phone. so if anyone of u sees a weird msg from me it's probably not me. anyway ya in the end i got everything back thanks to lam who had to make an urgent phone call =D
aft that we went home. on the bus ride i encountered the world's most assholic guy ever. i walked onto the bus rite. then there was a seat in front, facing the front. the entrance was blocked by a humongous POT BELLY!!! so i kindly asked "excuse me? can i sit on that seat". and that stupid bitch pretended not to hear me!! dumbass uncle. i asked tat twice and he didn't answer twice. so i had to settle for a lousy seat facing the back which made me dizzy. GO DIE LA U STUPID UNCLEEEE. grr.
on that note, recently on the mrt i was sitting on the corner seat, next to that glass panel. next to me was an empty seat and adjacent to that empty seat was another person la. so at raffles city or some place, can't rmb, this lady walked in. and instead of sitting next to me, which is perfectly fine imo, she chose to stuff her ass against the bloody glass panel. like WTF. it was an ABOMINATION loh. omgomgomg i was traumatised.
ya i digressed. anyway, i came across some interesting news o_O
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A Tennessee woman who hired a stripper to dance at her 16-year-old son's birthday party is facing criminal charges.
Anette Pharris has been indicted by a grand jury on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and involving a minor in obscene acts.
Police said about 10 people under the age of 18 were at the party, including minors who were not related to the family.
Authorities said they were notified by employees of a drug store about the party when the mother tried to have pictures developed. wat a cool mom. and my birthday's coming soon =D i think i shall inform her about this.. ^_^_^_^_^_^
okok time to go off. bYEEEe. =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 1:43 pm
Friday, June 03, 2005
so i'm back. i'm tired. butttttt.......
pre-u seminar '05 was
DAMN FUN! seriously. the SLOs(student leaders smth) were super good and enthusiastic, which raised the level of the camp. we had 6 meals a day (breakfast refreshments lunch tea dinner supper), which provided much better food than a certain caterer that was in RI. hmmm. haha. ohhmannn sooo much food!!! =D i'm getting fat i guess. hahaha. o ya talking abt food someone still owes me lunch!!! hmmhmm =D
so anyway, i digressed. back to recapping. =)
monday, 30/5:
first day! arrived feeling sad from leaving my comfy home + comp. aha. reached early and i felt like a TOTAL IDIOT (which some people will promptly agree to). checked in, got keys, and met my roommate bok!! he's some cool srjc tennis dudeeee. aha. icebreakers were ok i guess, nothing special. learnt cheers + songs (gimme 1 clap, 2 claps, 3 claps, 11 claps, 1 silent clap). a shoutout to meiyi for welcoming me into the group with "23-nil, friend"! hahahaha.
cliffs: boring day. learnt cheers.
tuesday, 31/5:
second day! woke up to the sounds of leann (my SLO) shouting "WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!" grrr. haha. listened to the minister raymond lim give a speech, which i felt was quite good. i was
PAYING ATTENTION. RAWRRR. after the speech, we went for refreshments! i gotta say it was GOOD. whoa the chocolate eclairs were like. from HEAVENNNn. WOHOOHOHOOOO. eat eat eat =D after that we went for parallel presentation 1, where RJ got slammed like mad. HMPH. the worst is that they were slammed with irrelevant/stupid questions imo. for example the questions were like more suited to be targeted at a
JC STUDENT. puh-lease they aren't like working for the government or anything, so they can't know EVERYTHING. rIGHT? -_-""". ok anyway. i think lots of pple are just asking questions for the sake of making the other people look bad. that's my feel lah. dunno dunno. anyway, went for lunch after that. and then parallel presentations 2 in which i slept in. hahaha. then the group got super hyper, and we kept on singing the song "country road". wahhh fun fun fun everyone going crazy together ^^. nothing much more after that, just that i had a good supper and a good night's sleep =D
cliffs: day of work and fun. people just kept on asking questions for the sake of slamming schools. good supper and good sleep (although it was short ><)
wednesday, 1/6:
woke up early, at 5.15 to be exact =D. 2 panel discussions followed by parallel presentation 3. boring stuff. panel discussions were informative, but i think too dry and unengaging. again, most questions asked were just plain STUPID. asked for the sake of asking. pffft. went to the back to talk =D. parallel presentation 3 was ok loh. slept for abit, and got a photo of meself taken, sleeping!! haha i was damn SCARED it would appear in the newspapers. but luckily, according to my mom, it didn't. phewww. small group discussions followed, with very interesting results. we discussed, and with the spare time remaining, came up with the following:
"Actually, Box Could Do Everything Foolishly. Green House Is Jinxed Kangaroo's Love. Monkey Neno Only Pees Quarterly, Rampantly, Salaciously, Titillatingly, Under Very Wet Xylophones. Yo Zebra!"
yes we are weird. don't ask me how we got that. haha. anyway, i picked the lucky number in "ultimate number"(can't type the chinese name out ><) and was asked to perform that whole quote. ouch. haha it was damn fun. played dota in ben's room at night with a TOUCHPAD. lol. got owned, although i still managed to kill a few people =D
cliffs: day 2 of work and fun. group bonded alottt. played dota at night and slept at around 2.30am.
thursday, 2/6:
fun day!!! first we went for bowling, where i averaged. erm. lets see. 80 pinfalls per game. hahaha. hey at least i had a few STRIKES. haha. but they were, in the end, wasted. boooooo. star in our group was tang/chobu i guess. cho's first game was like. 153? pro pro. teenage angst hahaha. after bowling we went for refreshments before going for golf. golf is
DAMN FUN!!!! hehe i feel like picking up golf. =D for some reason i was nominated to perform my "mad skillz" for the coach to see (when obviously tang had more experience and skills), and he was impressed enough to give me a box of golf balls from wilson. haha. gave 1 ball to bok, and kept the other 2. don't worry eddy, i'll give mine all to you =D <3<3. golf is fun. yay. after golf it was KITE FLYING! whee fun. i slept on the floor and 1) people wrote on my hand 2) photographers took photos of me. grrr. can't i have any privacy? hahaha. later went to buy icecream w/ samtan zan shiyun cheryl shib liz. wheeeeee. yumyum. learnt a new song about papas meeting mamas under the tree. haha. then came seminar night. it was seriously good and touching. *tear*
cliffs: fun day! bowl --> golf --> fly kite --> dance+sing --> closetotears. T_T <3 you group1!
friday, 3/6:
last day! was kinda SADDDD that it ended. so quickly. went for the closing ceremony, and our kite got 3rd place!! rawrrrr. my BRAINCHIlD OKAE. received some files as a reward. hahaha. then went for reception w/ the minister of education. the food was good, but the interaction was like. limited and too soft la. like you couldn't hear the questions, just the answer. grrr. and i wanted to ask a question but in the end didn't. haha. no balls/too slow. you decide. =D after the dialogue ATE ATE ATE ATE ATE ATE. WAHHHHHHHHHHh. MANGO CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!! CHICKEN CURRY!!!!!!!!!! BLACK PEPPER FISH!!!!!!!!!! woot. yum. walked ard and talked talked talked. fun fun fun =D received certificates of participation in the pre-u sem. yay! after that we gave him a send-off. not a red card or double yellow lah (PUH-LEASE, lameeeeeeee), but a standing ovation. haha. then packed up, checked out. said goodbyes and parted ways. aww =(
cliffs: short
last day, prize presentations + last chat w/ minister. best food evar. pre-u sem ended.
so anyway, basically, i love group1! ashish(<3<3), benjamin, joel, jonbok, joncho, kenneth, krisna, tang and last but not least,
ROLAND. hahahaha jk. and the girls too! alicia, bliss, cresencia, filzah, mavis, may hwee, mei yi(THANKSALOT -_- haha), pavi, (wayne)runi, sadhana and last but not least, vanessa. and lastly but not leastly (i just realised i've used this thrice), the SLOs! leann, minyi and wanting!!!
wanting: i've been wanting to tell you onething. HAHAHAHA bad joke. ok me and ashish came up with that together. hahaha.
in short, pre-u seminar '05 was just GREAT. for all you people out there who have a chance to go for things like this, take it up. seriously it's definitely worth your while. somemore, after you come out of it, you do feel SMART! like i am feeling right noW!!! RAHHHH.
ok bye. gotta take a rest. ciaos =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 2:51 pm