Sunday, July 31, 2005
our slice of heaven
match today vs blacks. 19-7. could've been a try more, but who cares. a win is still a win, haha.
on to the juicy parts (it really was, trust me).
me lam guanghao and clement went to tower club @ republic plaza. we met at raffles place mrt station and then went there. guang was dressed in a t-shirt and berms, so when we exited the lift at the 62nd level where the buffet was, we saw the grandeur and got frightened so we
RAN AWAY. haha. then the receptionist chased after us and asked if she could help. and we realised that the dress code did not allow jeans! and me and lam were in jeans. lam was even in a POLO shirt, which equals gg!! so she showed us to the toilet and this usher gave lam this coat. guang changed into his shirt+pants. i had to tuck in my shirt! and button up the sleeves! sooo uncomfortable =|
then we went in... (and clement joined later)
wahhh it was like this cultural shock for me lol. like there was this need for proper air-ticket (ok fine, etiquette) and to eat slowly. and not to pile food on the plate. must take in small servings. hahaha. it looked damn weird. like the 4 of us, teenagers, sitting at a table, and we were surrounded by adults. like angmohs. and japanese people. they all looked so
high class that we were soooo frightened. hahahaha. food was superb. can't describe la. everything was perfect (except for the japanese egg thingie which i CANNOT STAND). there was champagne too, and FIREWORKS!!! wah air view so cool. anyone wants the vid msg me i can send hahaha. wah and it was damn funny!! we were sitting right below a security camera. the camera was pointed straight at me!! must be they didn't trust 4 teenagers. lol. oh and their desserts were HEAVENLY. like chocolate mousse, chocolate mousse, and more chocolate mousse!! chocolates on a spoon. cream. cakes. cakes. cakes. wahhhhh well worth my money. hahaha. the main was also very well cooked. it included this lobster soup (which i mistook for pumpkin soup. must be the champagne. hahaha =p) which was SUPERDUPERgood. and then the beef was cooked nicely and the sauce was heavenly. maybe it's michael jackson's "Jesus Juice". lol. then we just ate, talked, ate, talked, ate ate ate, talked talked talked talked talked until like 10:40 lol!!! reached home at 12 after occupying 2 seats on the bus =p
daniel: (guanghao: when will he ever post?)
kk my day wasnt that interesting but night is a different story.
Yes i was like super early at Raffles Place waiting and i was jumpy. Why?
a) Tower Club didnt allow jeans. I was in shorts although i had change and i knew clement lam and roland were in jeans.
b) I hate lifts. And Tower Club happens to be on the 62nd floor
So u can see tower club is not really my place.
Anyway when lam and roland arrived i brought them up immediately i knew my shorts were out. The dress code was like: Coat and Tuxedo.
Damn it isnt my place. Anyway we didnt dare say 'damn' for the rest of the night!
Anyway we all got settled and there was basically abt 5 mins of stoning b4 we dared to get up and get food. Roland was in a culture shock like seriously. He was damn nervous lor.
But the food was really really really good la. I rate it like better than brazil or pariss. But...Cannot talk loudly, cannot chiong like crazy and must be super formal.
Next time go there must wear sch u and blazer.
Then the fireworks right we cannot say 'wah F****** nice' so instead
lam: 'excellent excellent!'
Roland: 'I think i'll go with the strip tenderloin. Medium Rare if you please'
Clement: When are they going to fill the champagne?!
Yar clement was at home.
I just slowly stuffed myself until i cldnt breathe. Was wearing my sec 2 long pants anyway cos i cldnt find another one!
Anyway this smashes the Teamboat piggy bank.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:21 am
Thursday, July 28, 2005
i've just gotten back my lit results (which are correct, hopefully, because i have not seen my PC paper yet) and my common test results are standing at ABCCD. sigh. i missed the target of "AAAAA" by 4, and the target of "ABCDE" by 1. grrr. i shall work harder for the latter in promos =p
ppl seem to be down. hmm. cheerup.
and my nail is broken. ouch. my left middle finger has this double nail thingie alrdy. 1 nail below which is being crushed by the upper nail. and the nail above only connected to the front of my finger. and half the upper nail has been cut off. uggggh. i want it off soon!!!
buffet on sat? i'm going broke soon. =/
this is randomness at its best. today yam and i were discussing abt existence. and how it's scary to live 70+ years and then suddenly cease to exist. or to live 70+ years and then existing forever, never getting a new lease of life. why do we exist, anyway? do we have a greater purpose to serve? i guess that's why there's religions and stuff. it's an answer to our unanswerable questions. i'm not saying that they aren't true, i won't take a stand. but i guess it's every person's natural instinct to think that after death, there will be this form of
afterlife. somewhere we all go to. somewhere we will still
exist. but do we?
why do we all quarrel/squabble, when life is so short? yes this is what makes us human. our ability to feel pain, to suffer. in short, our emotions. however, is that how we are supposed to go about in our lives? why quarrel when we can be friends? why ostracise when we can be accomodating? why not treasure the moment, when the next could be our last?
i'd say rj is very political. i'm
tired of all this hiding. i'm
tired of all this talking. i'm just gonna go hibernate in some corner in the school.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:01 pm
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
yummieeeeeee =D
THANK YOU WENLOONG AND WENJIE FOR THE TREAT!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! =Dso anyways. today the july babies treated us. with the exception of *coughcough just coughcough*. nvm. haha. we went to swensens. i had this nice sambal fish. mmm the sambal sauce is second only to newton circus's stingray!!! so it was good. mmm. after that had an earthquake. i couldn't taste the flavours properly because sheryl challenged us to finish it in 5 mins. which was accomplished i think? hahaha. =D yup and senthil if you read this: i'm very sorry for spilling water on you!! i feel like such a clumsy idiot now. uggh uggh =(
training was shag. did the "golden triangle" a.k.a "some famous african guy's name". 3 times? haha. it's around 400+ metres, and we're supposed to do it in 1:10 mins by the start of our season. like ouch? lol. did sprints later too. which were tiring. ahh tiredtiredtired. but the icecream rejuvenated me =D
oh and we had our math quiz today! it wasn't a pop quiz cos it was told to us in advance. but i still didn't exactly study for it. because i'm too caught up in gaming. HAHAHA =D. i think it was fairly manageable though. oh yah today we spent like 2 hours speaking entirely in CHINESE. i swear, it was
HILARIOUS =D we were in the queue and speaking in disjointed chinese sentences. after doing that for like 10 mins, charis promptly told abel that the person directly behind us was a higher chinese senior!!! GG NO RE!!! self-jacked ourselves lol. but it was really funny. everyone should try it =p
anyway. it's late. and i haven't finished my econs drq. and my gp performance task. and my gp mindmap. and my pc poem (or is it a prose? i can't rmb well lol). time to
start on them get rest so that i can do them
ok bye~~
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:30 pm
Sunday, July 24, 2005
ytd match vs bucks. we won 20-5 in superduperuberwhatever-er
BAD conditions. to quote myself, the field is like a padi field! half flooded, rows of SOIL (yes you heard it right, soil), and potholes. ugggh. you can imagine a bull moving along the rows of soil, pulling along a plough and turning the land so that the rice can be grown. that's how bad it was. hahaha =D
oh and while i was walking towards the field, my slippers kept on getting stuck in the mud!! like you take 1 step forward right. then you lift your back foot. and suddenly you go "hey, where's my slipper?" uggh lam was laughing at me like mad from afar because i kept on moving back to retrieve my slippers (which were stuck in the mud =/)
and the field is like. not a field. there were MUDSKIPPERS and FISH swimming/skipping around in the field!! like wtf!!! maybe that's why there's the seafood restaurant next door. free supply. heh. =D
soooo on to to match. i'm very positive that
i did not screw up. =D yayyyy. but i guess there's much more to work on. overall i think we've stepped up our game vs those angmohs. we were probably only 2/3 of their combined pack weight. lol. i played 1 half only though. sadsadsad.
anyway aft the match it was sa dance! i wouldn't say it was much better than rj's dance night. maybe it's the prejudice because i'm from rj =/. but i must say there was on dance that OWNED all: the teacher's dance. can you imagine our teachers dancing? hahaha. =D saw wee and denzyl there. i dunno anyone there i SWEAR. so foreign. hmm. stupid jon drag me there =p
ahh ahh randomness is seeping in. so i shall go drink some water. i've got a damn bad sore throat (as in when you swallow, it hurtslikeshit). waterwater~~
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:19 pm
Saturday, July 23, 2005
just a quickie!
no, not with eddy.
anyways. congrats to canoe for their double 3rd!! good job guys!! =D with that we wrap up the sporting season in 2005, and i'm sooo looking forward to a holiday =D =D yupyup! i think rj has done very well in 2005. hehe. *hinthintmrhodgeifyouseethis*
so anyway. the tuition centre i go to is getting populated with ppl i know! which is good! off the top of my head: gl, lam, peyyann, jon, debs, and ME!!! =D i guess it's because the tuition is SO COOL. hah. =D
ok that was random. oh AND. tomorrow (or rather, today, since it's already 12 am) there's a match b/w wanderers and someotherclubwhichican'trememberit'sname at turf city. whee i'm excited~~ gonna get 3 pts for manofthematch now, i PROMISE. haha jk =D
ok sleep beckons. gdnite!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:02 am
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
track finals!!
woohoo i just realised that in rj, i've been going down for match supports much more often!! a good sign i guess!! development of my. uh. rafflesian spirit? =D
anyway. results!! we bagged both titles for A div!!! so
CONGRATS to all you trackers out there!! great performance you ppl put out there. whee =D
whoa i have to say. the atmosphere was. WHOA. the ruggers sat in front and helped cheer + smash bamboo sticks/pails + cheer more!! woohoo it just made you wanna join in and cheerthehelloutofyourlungs!! i think we've been having lots of practice in terms of cheering. like swim finals. and now track finals. we're sooo gonna set up rec council =D
and wow the boys A div relays were like WHOAAAA. ownage man. rape. whatever ahaha.
oh and B div boys won 4th!! congrats to them too hehehe.
ok dinner is waiting for me. byebyeee~~
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:56 pm
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
halohalohalo =D
i'm in the comp lab now, alt tabbing in and out when the teacher is coming by. ahahaha.
okok so we finished the stuff that he asked us to do. some GP current affairs quiz. ahah. of course i aced it because i read so widely and often =D *dodgesshoethrownatme*
meh so i read harry potter last night till 1.30am. ok to be precise, it's TODAY morning. ahh watever. i must say there's much more plot advancement in this current book than the previous ones. which is good. because bk4 and 5 were super super super dry. like why do we wanna just read 1200?+ pages of harry's everyday lives. -_-""
but ya. it's a "much more darker" book. just because someone died? meh. puh-leaaaaaase. ok fine now there are themes of betrayal, yadda yadda, but it's not enough to call it a darker book. but that aside, i think it's quite a good read.
oh and yah there's a parallel (as guanghao pointed out) b/w harry potter's world and our schooling system. forexample. during O's we were just fun loving kids, enjoying our sports. same thing in hogwarts. before O.W.Ls (notice the O??), they loved quidditch, blablabla. now, after O's, we're attempting A's and people start getting attached at the speed of light and all that blah. same thing. tonnes of making out in the N.E.W.T years. ahaha.
okok i need to get started on the performance task. grrrr. so mafan!!
anyway, to those who are asking me about whatthehellhappened to my hair. it's just short for NOW because i'm gonna cut it differently soon, so i have to shorten it FIRST. hurhur. okok bye.
EDIT: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUST!!! (if you actually read this anyways) happy 17th! although i didn't get a present for you, i promise that you'll get better balls from me!! now don't take it in the wrong context (take it in the wrong spectacles. hurhur), i meant RUGBY ball delivery!! =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 1:12 pm
Saturday, July 16, 2005
yay! my first full-length match in a gazillion years!!
ok today we played vs northern knights. won by a few tries to one. ahh i can't rmbr how many lol. but what matters is that WE WON!!! YAY!!! =D =D good to start off our 2005-2006 season with a win!! =D
anyway. i'm icing my leg now. whoa my right leg is in DAMN BAD CONDITION!!! i blame the field. grrrr. pics.

OUCH RIGHTTTfarrer park was ugggh. muddy. and religious cos it was so holey. hurhurhur. ok bad joke. =/ hence my very injured right leg. ahhhhh
anyway, i can't wait for the next match!! and then perform better!! =D
oh and congrats to the debators for winning!!! gogogo!! =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:48 pm
Friday, July 15, 2005
RAWRRR!!! i'm soooo psyched up for tomorrow's match!
tomorrow we're playing under "Wanderers RFC" against erm. some other club whose name i can't remember. =/. i think their name starts with "The" and is followed by some other words. ahhhh. nvm nvm. =D anyway i'm starting tomorrow, so i'm feeling very EXCITED!!! RAHHH =D wish us good luck vs those older ppl! hahaha =D oh and also to the debators fighting for glory tomorrow vs ACJC,
anyway, ya the blog is pretty much finalized! i'm happy with it. lam's happy with it. so that's 2/3 of teamboat that is happy with it. lalalala~~~ =D who cares if ppl don't like it lolol =D
i just made a new friend today. i'm happy (:
yam owes me lunch!! =D hoho. and whoever who still owes me lunch
PLS OWN UP NOW!!! rahhh i'm feeling hungry! =D
oh and an update on my CTs, i got ACD!! A for math, C for hist (missed B by 1/2 a mark T_T) and D for econs!! i'm sooo gonna get ABCDE for my final score because there's a HUGE chance i'll get B for GP and an even larger chance i'll get E for lit!! hohoho =D
oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY wenjie!! in case you read this. i've had a
bloody great time knowing you! you've been
bloody fun to hang around with, and
bloody hell i've been enjoying it! hoho. sorry rugger inside joke ahaha. =D
another belated birthday wish to JASON SOH!!! yandao kia!~ =D
ahh i can't wait for tomorrow's match! *excited*
kthxbai =D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:17 pm
Thursday, July 14, 2005
new layout!
new layout! coded entirely by ME! RAHHH. =D
i like the minimalistic view. and the fact that the picture stays there now. anyway, i think the background picture needs improving, so please
gimme your comments/suggestions =D. i have the picture in colour, but i think it looks better in grayscale. or even better, help me find a nicer picture. one that can be either cropped into 600x600 and does not have clashing colours with the font, or one that is already 600x600. thanks! =D
anyway. i think i'll be slogging my ass off my whole life just to earn 1 peanut. or 2. ahaha. =D

omg it's my dream to achieve that. 1.2million!!!
dinner calls.
ps. it's best viewed in
EDIT1024x768, because i coded the blog in that resolution. should there be any problems viewing it because of your resolution, please inform me. thanks.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:04 pm
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
swimming finals!
today was swimming finals, and the raffles OHANA (family, for those of you out there who are unenlighted =p) won 5 golds out of 6! yay! =D *beams*
i loved the atmosphere there. all the cheering and stuff. it makes me wonder why i didn't participate actively in sec school, turning up for swimming finals and all. i guess i was a lazy bum then. as i am now. ahahaha =D and swimming is really WHOA. like you train for 2 years just for that 30+ secs in the pool. and it's gone in a flash. you either win, or you lose. it's kinda scary isn't it? just like track. one screwup, and you're out =( fortunately rugby is like 60 mins hahha =D (and please do not point out our lack of gold medals, thanks =P)
sidetrack: congrats to bencai for getting 4th place. and bryon teo for getting 4th place. and sam tan for getting 4th place. ALL NO MEDALS WAHAHHAHAAA =D
*erects an anti-flames shield*
anyway, whoever owes guanghao his blazer, you better return it!!! i mean it. uncle roland is watching youuuu =p
and oh yeah jon is stuuuuupid. like totally stuuuuuuuupid. quotable quotes.
"eh why does this form say 2005? isn't it 2006?""huh? healthy sperms?" (the econs lecturer said "FIRM" for the record)
"hearst" (he meant to spell "HEARTS")
oh eddy if you are reading this, remember to bring ur cheque tomorrow!
okok disjointed post lol.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:36 pm
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
war of the worlds
so my dad brought back the dvd copy of "War of the Worlds". spent tonight watching it together with my beloved durians!!
so i think the movie was not too shabby. it was action packed and all. but to those people who have not watched it yet: please do not go in expecting realism. it's a sci-fi movie, not some documentary on nature. meh.
so anyway. a few questionable parts about the movie.
- EMP wiped out every electronic device, yet there was a person using a digital video recorder to record the alien tripod thing coming out from the ground?
- aeroplane crash, everything is wiped out, only to find that the van was still working. that's lots of luck there, lol.
- aliens conquering the earth only 1 million years after the buried the machines. wow i mean they're so sophisticated yet do not bother to conquer the earth 1 million years before where there was no resistance? dumbasses.
- why do girls scream so much??? i wanna strangle dakota fanning (it's her right?)
- how do you incinerate someone without destroying their clothes?! O.o
but as i said, it's not a movie for REALISM.
ok anyway. parts i liked about the movie. i loved the action, the suspense. the large and beautiful scenes in the movie such as the fighting, the "bloody plants" filled land and stuff. and i liked the way the tripod was near the lake. it had this kinda nice feel to it. like u know. lakehouse + monster + invincible good guy = fun.
oh and to those who think that the ending totally sucked: think again. this movie isn't all about action. it's supposed to set your minds thinking too. lets look back. isn't it ironic that even though man "conquered" nature (look at all our research, our languages, our inventions etc.), it is at the end that nature protects us? it is the little things in nature that we have to appreciate. that's what the story is heading towards. oh yah it was the kind of happy ending film, and the ending was too abrubt. but hey, i got some stuff out of it, and i'm happy. so guys, treasure nature. yadda yadda cliché stuff. but still, please try to do the "3R"s - Recycle, Reuse, Resmth. and stuff lah!! don't waste electricity by blogging at like 12am. and don't take too long to bathe. hahahah.
oh and if you haven't watched the movie, please do not read the last 7 paragraphs. thank you.
oh and durians rock. seriously.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:00 am
Thursday, July 07, 2005
lalala =D
i think i have a tendency to title my posts "lalala".
lalala i'm damn happy. getting my a&f shirts from shib's sis soon! hehe. told my mom about it and she seemed okay with it, so YAY!
i'm getting a striped polo: East Creek RED.

nice right? =D
my bro's getting a striped polo too: Harper Falls DARK GREEN.

not too shabby =D
jon and yam are getting shirts too. whee. shopping makes me quite happy. new clothes too. and i just realised i sound damn bimbo here. but who CARES. lalala. =D
on a side note, these are the rankings that i, or rather only my class *coughcough humans cough =D* will be ranking my/our grades by this scale..
A -
Almost impossible!
B -
Bloody lucky!
C -
Could have been much worse!
D -
Damn good already!
E -
O -
Okay lah!
F -
hoho. currently i have 2 "
Bloody lucky!"s, which is damn lucky!! like i never study at all hohoho. ok i did abit but ya. that's not the point. if i were humans it'd be like. i have 2 "
Bad"s, which is like -____-
ok looking at my incoherency, i think i should just stoppp. go do math go me go me!
oh on another side note, star potatoes are damn worth it! 20 cents for 9! (thanks auntie shiyun)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:58 pm
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
crampcramp. CRAP!
ouchies today was cramp day. cramp like maddd. that's because i've been so hard at work at home over the june hols, camping in my home and mugging like MAD, resulting in the lack of exercise and today when we restarted light training, my muscles naturally cramped.
i was just a lazy bastard sitting at home in front of my computer and not bothering to exercise. haha. didn't study that much. =/ which explains my 12/20 for econs mcq. like lam, the dude who didn't know anything about econs, actually got 15/20!! maybe he's a sekretive CLOSET MUGGER!! hoho i exposed you lam. and abel got 16. rahhhh. gotta work hard lol.
ohwells, currently i'm standing at a B for econs. which is. hmm i guess exceeding expectations? haha.
anyway, today's training was funnn. touch touch touch + more touch! rugby rocksssss. =D i'm really excited and looking forward to the joining of clubs and playing matches for exposure thingie thats gonna start. and 10s are coming soon. hehe. eatdrinksleep
oh and today we got new teachers! GP teacher is funkayyy. he graduated from the batch of 1998, so i guess he wouldn't have much teaching experience and hence is so friendly and fun!!! our new econs teacher is not too bad at explanation skills, but i think she can't keep the attention of the class. ohnoes. =(
anyway. tomorrow is monday's timetable. so i'll get the monday blues again. :( ahhhhhh.
till next time.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:23 pm