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a brief history

teamboat was founded in 2002. the exact date is not known, but the formation of teamboat took place during a warmup session before rugby training began. it all began when roland played a game of random team on battle.net before training. relating the experience of the game to daniel, roland talked about him having a horrible partner who referred to the unit "steam tanks" as "steamboats". daniel then had a brainwave, and the two of them decided to create accounts called teamboat1 and teamboat2: the name thought up due to daniel's fascination with food and warcraft.

guanghao joined shortly after the formation of teamboat, due to the need for intelligence to balance out the gluttony in daniel and good looks in roland. together, the trio have accomplished feats such as making seoul garden move out of j8. armed with their passion for food and good recommendations from guanghao, teamboat strives to test (and at the same time, destroy) all buffets in singapore.

currently, the strength of teamboat stands at 3: daniel, guanghao and roland. there is, at the moment, only 1 associate member: clement.

tag, you're it!



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layout and coding done somewhat by roland
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even though i use 1280x1024 =p

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005


alright goodluck to anyone who needs it for promos. especially those who haven't been full-time mugging and playing dota! *coughcough*

cheer up! at least it's only 8 more days of torture (for us econs students) =)

rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:39 pm

Monday, September 26, 2005

the assuming song

i just realised i forgot to post this for like 3 weeks. how silly of me.

there was an old farmer who lived on a rock,
he sat in the meadow just shaking his --

fist at some boys who were down by the creek,
their feet in the water their hands on their --

marbles and playthings and at half past four,
there came a young lady she looked like a --

pretty young creature she sat on the grass,
she pulled up her dress and she showed them her --

ruffles and laces and her white fluffy duck,
she said she was learning a new way to --

bring up her children so they would not spit,
while they boys in the barnyard were shoveling --

refuse and litter from yesterday's hunt,
while the girl in the meadow was rubbing her --

eyes at the fellow down by the dock,
he looked like a man with a sizeable --

home in the country with a big fence out front,
if he asked her politely she'd show him her --

little pet dog who was subject to fits,
and maybe she'd let him grab hold of her --

small tender hands with a movement so quick,
and then she'd bend over and suck on his --

candy so tasty made of butterscotch,
and then he spread whipped cream all over her --

cookies that she had let out on the shelf,
if you think this is dirty you can go *toot* yourself

ok i guess the effect isn't there if it's words only. =/ get the song then =p it's mighty hilarious.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:59 pm

Saturday, September 24, 2005

k i just finished watching lost. episodes 1-25. =D

now i can finally concentrate on mugging hard for promos and i will TRASH EVERYONE!!! yeah!


rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:45 am

Sunday, September 18, 2005

1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll pick a dream occupation that i think you will love
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) I'll tell you something that I've always wanted to but some how never did.
9) I'll tell you my favourite memory of you.
10) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written!

ok so yam asked me to take this challenge. so i took it. his answers...

1) I honestly think that with the white stuff on your hair and the fact that you look sleepy all the time, it's as though you just gave some guy a blowjob or something.
2) Song: Sir Psycho Sexy by The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Can you deduce why from the name already? Movie: American Pie. Another duh.
3) Butler at the Playboy Mansion
4) Si Mi Lan Jiao! (now everyone knows what that means, but to the two of us (and hazmi, that has exceptionally special significance)
5) At the first econs lesson, I was sharing some weird article with you and we had to analyse it. I recall I wasn't of much help...
6) A horse. Wonder why?
7) How long does it bloody take you to style your hair in the morning? It honestly looks fricking complicated. While we're on the matter, how the hell does your hair look like unstyled?
8) I'm seriously grateful that you were around for me during that particularly trying time in my life. (Cue the soppy music)
9) When you lay on the ground at Wei's house pleasuring yourself. A more quintessentially "you" moment cannot honestly be remembered. We even took a picture!

from shibriyani murtabak:

1) you lick paper boobs!
2) song-generally, oasis songs, and lifehouse songs, and whatever songs you sent me. particularly half life and bless the broken road haha. movie-konstantine because i remember i kept getting freaked out and i was sitting next to you during the show and you had no reaction haha
3) gigolo/male stripper hahahah
4) "HELL NO!" (okay maybe not just you and me, haha)
5) you said you were a rugger and you liked to play computer games. and i was thinking HEY WAIT A MIN.. hmm. hahah
6) hmm pretty easy, polar bear hurhur
7) haha. among other things. how you can eat so much !
8) why dont you look like ur *******. : ( hahah kidding
9) hmm msn convos. esp around may-ish. (: (:

from eddy:

1) Roland Chua Hung. I think your passes in rugby are really good.
2) Song: Stacie's Mom. Primarily because of the HORRIBLE thing you said about w*nking to the beat of the song. Movie: American Pie, cos I can seriously imagine you acting in it.
3) world-class pro-gamer
4) Damien rice - the blower's DOTA
5) In the com lab, when you introduced yourself as a rugger, I feared the worst, cos of erm..horror stories I heard about ruggers. Yar. So I was pretty intimidated in the com lab. Plus ur bigger-sized than me. So yar.
6) snake. Cos you always refer to your member as a snake. PLUS that horrible snake joke.
7) Were you the lamest guy in 1e during the first three months before the arrival of the KING?
8) I think you look better than your brother. Seriously. Dun ask me why I think so.
9) when somebody took a picture of you giving me a "blowjob". Dam funny


1) roland's. aye be more adventurous with your hair can?
2) song: Nothing Else Matters by Metallica though I like the Lucie Silvas version more.
trust i seek but i find in you
every day for us something new
open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
Hahaha. You're child-like (not childish) but yet mature. The song's just fits.
And I know u love The Road To Mandalay.
I like to sleep beneath the trees
Have the universe at one with me
Movie: Dude, Where's My Car? No brainer.
3) sex shop owner.
4) "I can hold your hand"
5) at that balcony outside the com lab. I was thinking. Hey? Rugger? You kidding me?
6) polar bear/Garfield/ermmmmmmmmmmm I can't remember ok fine pig.
7) why do u keep styling your hair? AND has anyone caught you doing it?
8) have confidence in your ability. Have someone to lean on whenever you're down. The wall's too cold, I think I'm hotter. =P but yea, have faith in us pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
9) wei's house. On the floor. Yes?

ok so anyone wants to take up this challenge? =D

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:56 pm


ok i just watched finalfantasyviiadventchildren yesterday.

tifa is hot.

cloud has cool hair.

omnislash is super cool.

action scenes were super gd.

plot was shallow, but who cares? i watched it solely for the characters =)

i want ps3 remake of ff7.


rolandchuahunk sailed at 2:03 pm

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

with the end of the rugby league (which we got 2nd in, but failed to reach the finals in the CUP competition), and world cyber games (which ggGFAT sadly only got 3rd in =/), it's time to hit the books! ahh promos are in like 2 weeks and 2 days! jiayou ppls! go mug =)

ok. i shall be HONEST. i'm aiming for AABB for promos. with a GP A. it's always good to set high aims! =D cos if u fall, you'll fall higher than if you fall after setting low aims. LOGIC YES? =D

math: A. hopefully there shouldn't be any problem with this subject if i practice constantly and keep myself refreshed with formulae, especially trigo.

lit: A. i'm putting lots of effort into frost (but i'm studying only the poems that i like, not the so-called IMPORTANT POEMS hahaha =D) and measure for measure. hopefully with a good pc paper i can get the A.

hist: B. my results have always been stuck at B and hopefully this time i'll get a high B. gotta start mugging it soon, it's a very loaded subject =(

econs: B. it's gonna be hard, looking at the D from my common tests lol. i guess i have to buck up alot moreeee.

well. those are my aims. i stress, AIMS. don't call me a closet mugger or anything, i haven't done much. ahh i hope 2 weeks is just enough =)


rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:42 pm

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


i am super bored now so i shall do a quiz which i found off pehpeh's blog. =D


Current mood :: bored
Current music :: my own singing
Current taste :: my own saliva
Current hair :: black
Current clothes :: black and fake shirt and white cheapskate pasarmalam shorts
Current annoyance :: singaporean dota players
Current smell :: stale, i bathed 6 hours ago
Current thing I ought to be doing :: studying, it's promos in 3 weeks time
Current desktop picture : a cool wallpaper found off www.deviantart.com
Current favorite band :: nightwish/e.s posthumus, can't decide
Current book :: the cambridge history of southeast asia, et al, edited by nicholas tarling
Current cd in stereo :: i'm hi-tech
Current crush :: my chair
Current favorite celeb :: jessica alba. need i say more?
Current hate :: promos


Smoke? :: no i'm not cool enough
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: yes
Read the newspaper? :: yes, for world sports and life
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: w**lo**g =p
Believe in miracles? :: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: slightly
Consider love a mistake? :: no
Like the taste of alcohol? :: yes definitely
Have a favorite candy? :: no, they all are good in their own way
Believe in astrology? :: no
Believe in magic? :: no
Have any pets? :: not at the moment, had a luo han and a few hamsters before
Go to or plan to go to college? :: yes
Have any piercings? :: peni.. no
Have an obsession? :: no
Have a secret crush? :: no
Do they know yet? :: if i do not have a crush there is no one who can know o.O
Care about looks? :: yes


Ever been in love? :: no
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: no. there is only lust at first sight
Do you believe in "the one?" :: keanu reaves is a piece of shit


Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: yes. think ruggers
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: not that i know of
Height :: 168.5. go ahead, laugh


Bought :: gatsby hair styling clay
Ate :: a down-to-earth home cooked dish
Drank :: plain water
Read :: the cambridge history of southeast asia, et al, edited by nicholas tarling
Watched on tv :: the last week's episode of lost. not having a tv in my room sucks =/


club or houseparty :: houseparty
cats or dogs :: cats
single or taken :: single
pen or pencil :: mechanical pencil please
gloves or mittens :: mittens. they sound like kittens
food or candy :: food
cassette or cd :: cd
coke or pepsi :: coke. vanilla coke
this or that :: this, it sounds closer


Kill :: nobody in particular


Talked to :: my brother
Hugged :: i can't really remember
Instant messaged :: leslie


Eat :: at home, usually
Wish you were :: in korea being a progamer


Dated one of your best friends? :: no. my best friends are male
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: no
Broken the law? :: i doubt i have not
Run away from home? :: no
Broken a bone? :: left wrist and it's still pretty weak
Played Truth Or Dare? :: yes duh
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: no
Been in a fight? :: an actual fight? no
Come close to dying? :: in my dream


The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: probably some disney/barbie cd from a few gazillion years back
What's your bedroom like? :: neat
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: pancakes
Your favorite restaurant? :: i hardly enter restaurants. favourite? tower club =p
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: ice cream + chocolate milk
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: none. i hate crying =/
What is your biggest fear? :: my ***** shrinks. lol jk. losing my family i guess
What feature are you most insecure about? :: my height
Do you ever have to beg? :: no
Are you a pyromaniac? :: justin is the pyromaniac
Do you know anyone famous? :: i know wenloong who is famous for his online exploits =D
Describe your bed :: single bed, covered with a blue bedsheet decorated with corals
Spontaneous or plain? :: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker? :: yes
What do you carry with you at all times? :: handphone and wallet
How do you drive? :: with my feet in the ruck/maul
What do you miss most about being little? :: being able to get away with anything
How much money would it take to get you to absolutely give up the Internet for one year? :: bill gates' yearly income. that's a few hundred peanuts
What color is your bedroom? :: aqua-green. i know, it sounds disgusting
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: i like myself, but belief is subjective
Do you think you're cute? :: in my own perverted special way =D
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: no
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: quite, but there's much more to be worked on
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: i'm a loner gamer geek
You ever been caught "doing something?" :: no, i always lock the door ^^

this shall end off my boring and unconstructive day.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:45 pm

Sunday, September 04, 2005


ok today i'm a happy boy. =D


thursday: went to mrs. chia's house. the interior is designed quite well i must say. gives a very minimalistic, yet spacious look to the house. ate pizza/sushi/fried chicken there. mm mmm! =D don't ask why the first thing i talk about is food. don't. anyway, we had lots of fun watching bride & prejudice and other stuff like boiling point on mtv. ahhaha. =D whoa aishwarya rai is damn hottttt. and so are her sisters in the movie. all so pretty! indian bride here i come lol. jkjkjk =D anyway, retarded pics are up on the 1e blog, alps' blog and zan's blog.

friday: nothing much. stoned the day away and then went for tuition. didn't get much studying done. =(

saturday: highlight of the week!!! ok we played vs SRC and we won 8-5!! it was a really hard fought match. ahaha and i didn't screwup like i did the previous match. that match my passes were all perfect. ok la just kidding but it was relatively good. ahahah. anyway, it could've been like 20+-5 win to us, but the kicking spirit was not with just that day!! poor just. ahh ahh they were all off by like 0.05 degrees lol. watched trinations until like 1am. woohoo allblacks dominated like the first 30 mins but then the wallabies showed real determination (like we did after conceding the first try to src =P) to comeback to just 20-19!!! then the allblacks pulled ahead again. i'd say the MOM goes to ritchie mccaw. he's seriously damn shen. <3

so yupp. that caps up everything. i'm gonna be a good boy and go play warcraft study now. byebye. =DDD

rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:32 am

Thursday, September 01, 2005

so saddd

i'm very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sad because the ri field, stadium steps and hall are going to be closed down and changed. oh and perhaps the canteen too or so i heard? =( that was probably where i spent 3/4 of my ri time in, all the trainings, eatings, and stripping fun.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
the ri hall

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
the ri field

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
the stadium steps

where we have activities like...

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

and other too-explicit-to-post-on-a-public-forum acts.

ahh i'm so gonna miss those!!! =(

ok anyway, it's gonna be TEACHER'S DAY VISIT to mrs. chia's house~! whee it's gonna be fun looking at her house lol. i think. i hope. training after that at ofs. the feeling will never be the same anymore =(

it's been a long while since i've lain down on the ri field, staring at the sky, watching the world go by.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:26 am