Tuesday, January 31, 2006
campbridge DotA questions!
University of Campbridge International Examinations
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Defense of the Ancients
Special Paper
3 hours 0 minutes
Instructions to candidates:
Do not open the question booklets until you are told to do so.
Write in blue or black ink on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid
Answer 4 out of the 15 questions.
Write your answer on the answer booklet provided.
The total number of marks for this paper is 100.
The use of electronic calculator is not necessary but permitted for this paper.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
Answer 4 out of the 15 questions.
1. Describe and evaluate the tactics for
Squee and Splee, the
Goblin Techies.
2. Evaluate the impact of World of Warcraft (WoW) on DoTA.
3. Using the concept of supply and demand, explain why the
Butterfly is much more expensive than
Lothar's Edge and
Sange and Yasha.
4. Are the items from
Leragas The Vile ('Secret' Shop) overpriced?
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse on melee heroes.
6. Is
Mekansm useful at all?
7. Discuss the tactics of
Zeus the
Lord of Olympia in countering the
Pandaren Battlemaster Mangix, and evaluate their effectiveness.
8. "
Lina Inverse the
Slayer is way too IMBA (imbalanced)". Discuss this comment.
9. How is the
Animal Courier relevant in DoTA?
10. Is
Wind Walk the best policy?
11. How far do you agree that shouting is the best form of communication in a DotA match?
12. "People who choose to fight Roshan instead of focusing on the main game are arrogant". Comment.
13. "More often than not, people who choose intelligence heroes tend to suffer late game." How far does your study of DotA support this view.
Buriza-do Kyanon is overrated. Discuss.
15. Is a team of pushing heroes doomed to fail late game? Discuss with relevant examples in the context of Sentinel heroes.
thx bto
edited by roland :D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:45 pm
Monday, January 30, 2006
teanboat wishes everyone a
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!while everyone has been collecting angpaos, eating bakuas, mandarin oranges, loveletters, pineapple tarts...
i've been collecting angpaos
in RM,
abstaining from bakuas, mandarin oranges, loveletters, pineapple tarts because of my cough
go ahead and laugh!
unlike others, i won't grow 5kg fatter!! WAHAHAHAHAA LOSERS
(ok fine, i DID eat like 1 bakua and like 3 mandarin oranges and 10 loveletters and 4 pineapple tarts..)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:41 pm
Sunday, January 22, 2006
tubby's birthday!
tubby's birthday yesterday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBS JUN CHEONG!!!k so after gym we tripped down to tubby's house. costa del sol. nice place with
cute girls in bikinis frolicking in the swimming pool a great ambience =P. barbequed our dinner, yummie prawns!! sausages!! marshmallows!! chicken wings and drumsticks!! cocktail!! heineken (it pwns carlsberg flat thx)!! corn!!
o yeah speaking about corn.. really
cornversation went on yesterday
sheryl: blahblahblahblah (can't rmb liao hahahah)
me: blahblahblahblah (we were talking about our sweet corn)
sheryl: i'm a
maized (i bet it was unintentional!! wahaha)
me: wah that's so
wenjie: WTF U !#@()!*#)(@!)(#@*!# U THINK U VERY SMART ISIT SO LAME
me: dun talk to me in that
corndescending tone can
that's what made me get dunked into the pool. ugh. nah jk :p
ok so after we were full and happy the dunkfest began!! =D
dunk 1daniel: eh tubs, can i borrow ur handphone? i need to call my parents
tubs: ok.
[tubs hands daniel his handphone]
[daniel pretends to make a call]
glen: WTF!??!!
[ruggers all rush towards pool and look into the pool, tubby included]
[ruggers form a semicircle around tubby and look at each other with evil smiles on their faces]
tubs: uh oh

[ruggers PUSH!!]
[sound effect: SPLASH]
ruggers: OH SHIT
turns out that tubs was lying. asshole.
dunk 2[after ruggers finished dunking tubs]
ruggers without glen: eh, lets get glen
don: ok set!
[don wrestles with glen]
[both fall into pool]
[glen starts digging into his pockets and throws 2 phones out]
tubs: OH NOES!! (or it could be OH NOSE, with reference to glen)
dunk 3[don and glen get out of the water]
[some moments passed]
glen, holding senthil's phone: hello mom? i'm at...
[don wrestles with glen again]
glen: WTF!!!
[glen throws senthil's phone while in mid air, a la matrix/bullettime]
senthil: OMG!!!
luckily senthil's phone was undamaged.
after countless dunks, it was finally time to go to tubs house to change up and shite. but before we went, there were 2 quite hot girls playing ball (if only... :p) and we were trying to guess their age
don: um excuse me, we were just wondering what your age was
girl with ball: so what do you think is my age?
don: 11?
girl with ball: shakes head, rolls eyes, walks away
rolandchuahunk sailed at 3:13 pm
Friday, January 20, 2006
let us take a moment
to celebrate
BELOVEDDANIEL LAM'S18th birthday!!
can drive soon!! :p
may phat lewt drop for u!!
and liverpool will be below manu la. trust me. XD
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:57 pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
ice lemon tea
haha OMYGOSH today was HILARIOUS in the canteen.
ok so we (the ruggers) were in the canteen after school ended talking at the ruggers table (which happened to turn into little india when we weren't there. oh such irony! :p) when arjun approached us carrying ice lemon tea and a bao. and then we got the laugh of our lives. :D
arjun: waddahell la
us: what happened??
arjun: ok so i went to the drinks stall, and i said "auntie 1 ice lemon tea and a bao"
us: then???
arjun: then she thought i wanted to DAPAO (in his accent. ahahaha hilarious =D=D) the ice lemon tea
us: .........................................
arjun looked blur
even poor just was laughing when his mouth was hurting so much la!! take care just!!! <3
ok i can't be bothered to blog so cya XD
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:20 pm
Sunday, January 15, 2006
navy invitational 10-a-side!
yesterday was the navy 10s tournament. the 2 raffles teams that were sent clinched 2nd and 3rd!!! how pro is that lol!!
so anyway i had to wake up at like 630 to get to school by 715. WADAHELL. the things i do for rugby mann :D then in the end ARJUN was late by 25 mins. WADAHELLLLLLL. that's like 25 mins of slp -.-"
i was in team x, wearing an oversized jersey which made me look like a teddy bear. grrrr. den we wtfpwn every other team except for team y, who we met in the semis!! argh it's like teamkill lah. so suay must meet each other in semis. grrrr. that's why i got 3rd baaaaasket.
then the team y went on to the finals to fight saints. wah tough fight sia. after 2 extra times both sides didn't score. then penalty kicks, like pangsai lidat. lost kicks in sudden death. :( NOT FAIR RE PLZ? so sian 2nd and 3rd loh. hahaha.
the bad thing abt the tourney is that there were quite a few injuries. :( nazi and thad split their ears. ryan pulled his hamstring again (serves u right la nosy bastard) and just fractured his cheekbone (OUCH!!!). take care and get well soon brudders!!
aft that went don's house. even more sian. manu lost 3-1. wadahell laaaaa. ok fine laugh at me you stupid liver
poo and arse-anal fans. laugh while u still can.. grr. the food was good though, laksa + stingray + chicken wings + beef + apple crumble (when ipod stops selling. hurhur) + cocktail can NEVER go wrong.
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY DON!!!may the monkey goddess bless you with extraordinary skills with women. or female apes. whatever.
oh that apple crumble cannot-be-worse-than-that-joke reminds me of my need to ice my eyes! harhar ok bad joke. ya i've got nice cuts just above and to the side of my right eye. and a bruise below that same eye. ouch ya? it's pain
ful (inside joke :D)
ok this is getting totally random. lunch! bye :D
edit: LOL!!!
Memoirs of a Geisha trailer
rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:45 pm
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
an unglam bus ride home
okaeee so yesterday was the FIRST EVER Z'Oinks! non-orientation outing!! exciting rite. hehehhh. hmm yup so the Z'Oinklets gave me a PINKY PIGGY, a mini PINKY PIGGY, and a red book full of msges from them!! =) <3<3<3 you guys (andgirls)!!! so we watched derailed and i guessed the whole plot la. either the movie sucks. or i'm a genius. up to you to choose!!! :D
anyway the highlight of the day (or night) was when i was going back home!! i walked to the busstop and saw ppl staring at me la. watahell.
:: SCENARIO - "OMG! That's DAMN GAY" ::[ME walks towards busstop]
[GUY stares at me and then at the pig and then back at me and then back at the pig]
ME: ???
GUY: that guy with the pig is so cute <3<3
okae maybe that wasn't what happened but i hope it was. really!
ya then i boarded the bus and then it was full so bo bian must stand. then the ppl shot me angry glares cos the pig was blocking the way. or maybe cos i was cuter than them. i duno la.
time to go hug my pig! XD
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:31 pm
Saturday, January 07, 2006
and so, orientation has ended
it's been a wonderful experience
it's pretty hard to express what i want to say in words, and there's just too much to recap
so i'd like to say a big
thank you to the entire O-Team for making this experience possible
to my co-ogls glen and max, for making working with you guys such an enjoyable experience
to the og, for participating so enthusiastically even on the first day
to the new friends i've made, who've provided me great company
i'll always remember the numerous meetings in school to prepare for orientation
the mind-wrecking period where we had to think up non-cliché icebreakers, station games and war games
the dance practices, where we just practiced dance after dance and danced our hearts out
the ogl sentosa outing
my og Z'Oinks!, full of diverse personalities
how their bond grew stronger day after day, and the sense of accomplishment i felt from that
the numerous unglam photos and videos taken of ME
all the dances up on stage
all the fun and laughter
the way max and her mom went out of the way to help me when my phone got stolen
the new friends that i've made
the great company that i had
thanks everyone for making this possible
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:50 am
Sunday, January 01, 2006
goodbye 2005
hello 2006!!
nth else :D
have a good year ahead!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:51 am