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a brief history

teamboat was founded in 2002. the exact date is not known, but the formation of teamboat took place during a warmup session before rugby training began. it all began when roland played a game of random team on battle.net before training. relating the experience of the game to daniel, roland talked about him having a horrible partner who referred to the unit "steam tanks" as "steamboats". daniel then had a brainwave, and the two of them decided to create accounts called teamboat1 and teamboat2: the name thought up due to daniel's fascination with food and warcraft.

guanghao joined shortly after the formation of teamboat, due to the need for intelligence to balance out the gluttony in daniel and good looks in roland. together, the trio have accomplished feats such as making seoul garden move out of j8. armed with their passion for food and good recommendations from guanghao, teamboat strives to test (and at the same time, destroy) all buffets in singapore.

currently, the strength of teamboat stands at 3: daniel, guanghao and roland. there is, at the moment, only 1 associate member: clement.

tag, you're it!



March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
March 2007
December 2007
January 2008
June 2008

layout and coding done somewhat by roland
best viewed in 1024x768
even though i use 1280x1024 =p

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Friday, February 24, 2006


okae okae finally have time to update. wahahah.


okok so DON, TUBBY, WENLOONG and ME!!!! went for the concert yesterday. so we reached there at like 8 and got in at 810. den seated ourselves and psyched up for a night of GREAT SONGS!!!

the concert started at like 830. and they played alot of my fav songs!! including LIVE FOREVER! LYLA! THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING IDLE! MORNING GLORY!

they also played alot of new songs from their new album, like THE MEANING OF SOUL! TURN UP THE SUN! GUESS GOD THINKS I'M ABEL!

but that's not all!!!

the BESTESTESTESTESTEST songs were played too!!! like WONDERWALL!!! "this is for all you ladies out there. WONDERWALL." everyone just went WHOAAAA!!!! and got high and started jumping and screaming. and DON'T LOOK BACK IN ANGER. "AND SOOOO SALLY CAN WAIT" was like echoed by everyone la. and CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA has gotta be the best song EVARRRR. "SOMEDAY YOU WILL FIND MEEEEEEEE CAUGHT BENEATH THE LANDSLIDEEEEE"

but i was kinda disappointed! where's LET THERE BE LOVE~~~!! where's STOP CRYING YOUR HEART OUT!!! where's KEEP THE DREAM ALIVE!! urghhh. dammit. but i guess i can't expect them to sing ALL their songs aha..

oh! saw jessica dione edmundchain leslien0b0c4k3 weiqi ying huanna etc there!! how cool la rj party :O

ok this ends off the really high and random post of mine!!

oasis rocks mwahahahahah.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:57 pm

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

smth wuliao!

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

Congratulations! If your mission in life

is not already to preserve the English

tongue, it should be. You can smell a

grammatical inaccuracy from fifty yards.

Your speech is revered by the underlings,

though some may blaspheme and call you a

snob. They're just jealous. Go out there

and change the world.

How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
brought to you by Quizilla

i hafta agree.

(this is just to kick the previous IRRITATING post down)


rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:08 pm

Saturday, February 18, 2006

prelude to the manu (trashing) liverpool match!!!

A couple in the middle of a messy divorce case find themselves in court battling over custody of little Johnny, their only child. In order to make a fair decision over the boys future, the Judge takes Johnny into his private chambers so that he can find out which of the parents the boy would prefer to live with.

"Well, Johnny" says the Judge, "Would you like to live with your Mother?"

"No" replied Johnny, "she hits me all the time"

"Well then," the Judge continues, "Would you like to live your your Father?"

"No" replied Johnny again, "He hits me all the time too!"

The Judge looks exasperated and says to the boy "Well Johnny, who would you like to live with?"

"I'd like to live at Anfield with Liverpool FC " the boy replied quickly.

"Why on earth would you want to live with Liverpool?" replied the now extremely puzzled Judge.

"Well" replied Johnny, "They never beat anyone"

ggxx. :D go manu!!

rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:53 pm

Saturday, February 11, 2006

uwc 10s invitational tournament!

yay. we won the cup. beat ac 15-0 and then beat saints 12-0 to become CHAMPIONS!!


i'm elated! :D

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:52 pm

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

to botak, or not to botak

that is the question.

ok ytd i got dared by my classmates to shave botak! initial dare was $30, then it got upped to $40, then it got upped to $50, and now shibanigger (:P:P) upped it up to $60!

i'm in a dilemma now. should i shave? or should i not shave.

- $60 (or $30 if i split with guanghao)!
- save money on haircuts!
- save money on shampoo!
- save money on wax!
- no more irritating "roland please go get a haircut" from teachers!

- no more hair! :(
- probably will take 5-6 months before hair grows back. then i'll have to cut it because it'll be damn messy and then wait 1 more mth before it goes back to the norm
- i MIGHT look retarded botak (i hope not)
- laughing stock?
- reputation T_T

so anyway i was discussing this with guanghao. if he shaves too, we'll split the money 50-50. actually for me it's not so much the money la. if i SOLO shave i'll be damn ashamed la. but if got others shave with me it's fine! hehehh. then somemore if guanghao shaves we'll be called teambald. haha :D

so today after training i came home and played around with photoshop, trying to find out how i look botak.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
daniel lam's hair

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
jeremy's hair

how? should i? :D

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:02 pm

Sunday, February 05, 2006


this is probably post number 1390281309213 titled "lalala" because i don't know what title to put due to the randomness of this entry.

trng ytd! was our second time training on the RJ field lol! it's sooo much better compared to the RI field. grr. so anw it was damn funny!! someone kicked the ball past everyone and me being the sweeper chased it la. then i run so fast towards the ball and then i suddenly realised. SHIT!!!! i'm so tall i'll hit the crossbar. so i slid down below the crossbar with such dexterity and ended up tangled in the soccer net WAHAHAHA. damn funny.

ok then after trng i went to cherylhoanqi's house for a CLASS PARTY (and missed chingay because of it. see i love the class soooooo much ^^)! although it wasn't really a class party because there was only abel, cheryl, eddy, jon, shiyun, yam, yam, yam, yam, yam, yam, yam and zan there. quite bad attendance hahaa. ok so we just wuliaoed around. teasing yam about his lack of foresight. for real. u could say that yam captured all the attention la! at least he bottled up his anger :P hahahaha if u dun get it don't try because it's an inside joke. :D:D:D:D

ok fine to cut the long story short, we just ate and talked and ate and talked la. a little snippet of the conversation: "yam ur fat" "fuck u eddy" "screw you at least i have a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _". hahahah :D highlight must be when cheryl's mom came out bearing angpaos. hoho everyones eyes lit up mann :D then we were joined by kat and then sean and nick and floydfajoo and then we LAO YU SHENGGGGG. lao ah lao ah so fun :D:D:D then we watched deuce bigalow european gigolo. my 2nd time watching! so funny wahaha. and the eva girl is as hot as ever! woot!

o yah i came up with QING"boon"GAY. quite smart rite hoho stupid leslie.

today was rather eventless! played HOTTY and went ZGing hoho. long time no WOW. and i'm a shen healer la watahell. but nth good dropped for him so T_T then i spent the rest of the day eating / renaming music / doing essays.

ok footmen frenzy calls byebye

rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:37 pm