Friday, March 31, 2006
the wonders of soccer
soccer is such a wonderful sport. due to the fact that there are 23 men with hot bods (11 + 11 + referee = 23!) chasing the ball, gay tendencies do tend to show both on and off the pitch.
here's an example of a player expressing his gay love OFF the pitch..
i love you. muacksand here are another examples of players expressing their gay love ON the pitch..
you turn me on so much, terry!
enough of the subtlety, let's get it on!
ronaldo giving head to lehmann. or
ronaldo headed the wrong balls! maybe that's why that fat piece of shit striker can't score goals now...
yet, soccer is not all about the gays. there's a whole myriad of other emotions involved in a game of soccer, one of the main ones being anger.
taste my fart, biatch!
take that up yo ass, traitor!loyalty ftw.
credit goes to wene for sending some of those photos to me! there you go happy now? so wuliao O_O
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:16 pm
Thursday, March 23, 2006
common tests are (unofficially, but heck) over!! pc on friday but who gives a shit about pc anyway. not as if can study for pc. wahahah.
anyway, new blog! the chronicles of ryan tan yong ding, renown for his huge nose, cone-like face, dashing good looks that appeal to the aunties that are 40 and above! whoever reads this, do not say these in front of him. or he'll
da ni (attack you lar duh) :D:D:D
so here it is, the long awaited
dingster blog!
oh and the 1000th visitor will get 1 million neopoints, courtesy of ryan!
to quote just's mom: "wow, who's that guy in white standing next to ilman (it was ryan, by the way. but come to think of it i was in white too.. and was next to ilman.. hmmm.... XD)? quite good looking sia!"
rolandchuahunk sailed at 1:29 pm
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
woman warrior
maxine hong kingston was right.
someone tried to rob my grandma (mom's side) today. she's 70+, and was returning home (in malaysia) from buying groceries when she saw this guy standing outside another house's gates and pushing it. thinking that the guy was just another passerby who got a wrong house, she ignored him and walked towards her gate. then ALL OF A SUDDEN. *drumroll* the man snatched her necklace from behind. warrior instincts kicked in and she snatched it from the front. she won the struggle somehow, and the necklace broke at the point at the back of her neck and she threw it into the house, so that the snatch thief couldn't get it.
but there's MORE! :)
the thief then shoved her, and she fell onto the ground. using her quick wit, she landed on the side where her small purse was on to protect her purse. the man tried to get her purse, and her years of watching kungfu movies on channel 8/u from malaysia kicked in (pun intended). she kicked out at the guy and shouted "THIEF! THIEF!"
and then the thief ran off. :D
true story. /salute to my grandma. lol =D
and maxine hong kingston embodied the female empowerment through words. my grandma. lol future kungfu star. female empowerment literally. hahahh.
but lit was over today anyhow, now for history tmrw. and this dreaded CT1 is over. CHEERS :) :) :)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:46 pm
Thursday, March 16, 2006
i'm a genius
again, i exhibit the qualities that rjc wishes to inculcate into us.
this time, it was at michelle's party yesterday! :D oh before i continue, HAPPY BDAY MICHELLE!!
so at the party denise was pulling my pants away from me. i duno why. probably too hot she wants to see the monster hidden within =D. so while pulling she accidentally stepped on my slippers while i was walking backwards. GGXX. my slipper strap tore off. :( :( :(
(stupid dee! anyway guanghao has a photo of that and he'll post about the party soon, i hope)
anyway, i tried to repair it by taping the broken ends together with SCOTCH TAPE. it worked for 5 minutes or so, then it came off again. grr. then i tried it again, this time with 5 layers of scotch tape. it didn't work again. i'm like.. "hmm, how can i get around this??"
i thought and i thought and i thought... (the thinker)
...until i came up with a totally original solution! (the pioneer)

and it worked!!!
alas, my poor toe hair.. :( i'll miss you guys!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:00 pm
Monday, March 13, 2006
a request!!
hmmhmmm!! i'm searching for a video file from the manu newcastle match last night! it was the part where gary neville blocks wayne rooney's half volley! his expression was PRICELESS! haha. i tried searching on the net myself but to NO AVAIL! :(
i searched "gary neville gets hit by rooney's shot": search too specific
i searched "gary neville blocks rooney's shot": some weird links to other matches
i searched "gary neville face block": some weird links to other matches
i dun dare to search "gary neville's face shot" cos i scared kena porn. HAHA.
ok so if anyone finds it plsplspls send it to me k :D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:24 am
Thursday, March 09, 2006
your mission!
choose nice adjectives ok! :P
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:42 pm
Saturday, March 04, 2006
roland's amazing asscapades!
lets start off where it ALL STARTED!
friday was a
unique pe lesson. i prefer using the word unique to weird. ok so we played waterpolo.
on land. in the indoor gym. yes yes i can hear u ppl going
wtf now. hahhaa =D ok basically to "swim" around we gotta crawl. upside down. hmm i guess that doesn't really depict it properly. uhh. lets just say ur stomach must ALWAYS face the sky, and your 4 limbs prop body up and propel urselves forward. imagine spiderman climbing with his limbs in the opposite direction. ya it's WEIRD but we did it anyways. hahah =D
ok so being the excellent and enthusiastic student i am, i decided to CHIONG AHHH!!!! so i just dragged my ass along the floor as fast as i could because lifting it up = much slower.
result: abrasions on my ass. and the pe teachers being happy that their indoor gym floor was wiped clean. grr ):
today! hahah after training we trooped down to nyjc to play in this friendly 7s rugby tournament! wore the oh so SEXY jersey for the tournament!! hahah :O ok during one match i made a tackle. and landed on my ass. hard. (the field didn't help because it was bloody barren and scorched GRRRR.)
result: abrasions + bruise on my ass. like ouch? i had trouble sleeping last night already lah gimme more trouble T_T
anyway, our jerseys rocked! last time when we broke through, people could still pull our flappy
penisesjerseys! now they can only pull our pants! woot they help me flash ftw :D
oh, each of our arms now have a beautiful
10_10_10_10_10_10_10_10_10_10_10. sun was BLOOOODY SCORCHING. T_T
anyway we won all our matches. haha
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:56 pm
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
rugby jerseys!
okok our rugby jerseys have arrived. i shoved it into my bag and then only tried it on just now when i reached home after econs tuition.
WTFok today right, everyone was complaining that the jersey was too small etc etc la. and i'm like aiya i'm quite small also (but not in THAT area ^^) so i should fit in quite nice.
i was WRONG.u know, i thought they said "skin-tight" jerseys.
today what we got were probably "organ-tight" jerseys or smth lidat. DAAAAMN TIGHT.
now i feel like a gay that walks down orchard road.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:16 pm