Friday, April 28, 2006
roland's guide to acing the ns checkup!
ok to all you noobs out there, ns checkup is coming! and since i've done it today, i'll give you guys some tips to ace it! you don't want to look like a noob in front of all your future platoon mates, you want to look like a pro!
everyone ready? lets go!
station 1: pee check + blood checkokok so this station is the cool station. first you walk up to the guy, place your clipboard (it's this folder which has all ur station results on it) into the tray and he'll tell you (in his VERY monotone voice): "take a bottle. and a stick. the instructions are in the toilet"
so you walk into the toilet, wondering wtf is going on in this station. so basically you pee into the bottle and dip the strip in (i don't know why he calls that a STICK) and then you show it to the guy with the monotone voice. so i glanced around, and there were people trying very hard to AIM into the bottle before they started peeing. i'm like "haha noobs". but indeed, it was very tricky. well at least it was for me, because the bottle entrance was too small!
roland's tips:1) should one be not well-endowed, just shove it in and pee at will. the bottle doesn't leak.
2) should one be like me ^^, pee first, observe the trajectory of the pee, then shift the bottle to catch the pee.
3) never try to start peeing directly into your bottle. a poor guy got it all over his hands instead :D
ok then after getting the pee sample just dip the strip (it looks like some pH checker or smth) into the bottle and show it to the guy with the monotone voice. then go for your blood test, which involves the poking of your index/third finger and then extraction of your blood through your arm. normal stuff. just don't start screaming, and you'll look like a pro!
station 2: hearing checkok so this area, you're asked to enter this sound-proof box (just like the progamers. cool huh) and then you put on this earphone, which is connected to the tester's "gamepad". ok what he does is he has fun with his "gamepad", pressing buttons continuously to send sounds out to the earphone. when you hear a sound, you have to raise your the hand that's on the same side of the sound. ie right hand when you hear a sound in the right ear.
since the sounds come continuously, everyone raises and puts down their hand in quick succession, so you'll look like:

roland's tips:1) when raising your hand, make sure you raise it straight up, instead of raising it with your elbow at a 90 degree, so you don't look like a fortune kitten.
2) make sure you don't slouch, so you don't look like a fortune kitten.
3) smile to make it look like you're enjoying it.
station 3: xray roomooh this is the prelude to wenloong's favourite room. what happens is that people are sent in there in groups of 5 for an xray at the chest area. so once you enter the room, you're told to put your bags and belongings in a shelf and take off your clothes. so in the waiting room, everyone is half naked. woohoo. and when people enter/exit the waiting room, everyone in the lobby can see you. more woohoo ^^
roland's tips:1) do not scratch your back when someone is opening the door. the tuft of armpit hair showing is DISGUSTING.
the xray later is normal, just follow instructions and you'll be fine!
station 4: dental checkjust go in, lie down, open your mouth and don't scream. easy enough.
station 5: eye checkwhen you enter, you are asked to look at those cool pictures that cleverly disguise numbers, and then say the number out quickly. quite easy unless you have really bad eyesight/colourblindness. then the procedure becomes familiar again, you cover your right eye and read the ___th row and do it with the other eye bla bla bla. easy station.
station 6: the everything-else stationwenloong's paradise. :D nah jk. ok so you enter and you walk towards the registration counter, register and get a locker. then you strip to your pants and put everything in the locker and REMEMBER TO LOCK THE LOCKER UP. then you go for your ECG (i can't really remember..) thing where you lie down on this bed and this guy plants these suckers on you and monitors your heart rate. after what seems like an eternity, he plucks those suckers off you and it looks like you've been attacked by the giant octopus.
roland's tips:1) make sure you rub the areas where the suckers were, or you'll look like you have 4 nipples.
after that, you go for your height and weight area, and after measuring it you get your blood pressure checked. easy peasy.
after that easy area, you go for the long-awaited 1 on 1 with the doctor! woohoo. get a number and wait to be called. it feels like sitting for oral examination. damn scary. hahahah. once you enter, you sit down. the doc just goes straight to the point after asking "do you have any past medical conditions". he'll tell you to "stand over there where the (printed) feet are", and then to "pull down your pants and underwear". then you're asked to "cover" and then "cough".
roland's tips:1) when you pull down your pants and underwear, make sure you don't hesitate. makes you look like a loser who's ashamed of himself.
2) when you pull down your pants and underwear, pull it down far enough for your family heirlooms to be seen. preferably around the knees. or he'll get annoyed lol.
3) when you're asked to cover, don't be a loser and cover your balls. he wants to see it dammit!
after that close shave, you're free to leave the room! woohoo.
station 9: vocational testi haven't taken this station so i can't comment. but apparently it tests waves, angles and some stupid questions.
some general tips:1) do your hair/doll up before going. there's a photoshoot.
2) do some weights before going. you're gonna be half naked half the time. if wenloong's there, then make sure you have a full lunch so you look like you're some fat piece of shit :P
3) you might want to practice the C&C (Cover&Cough) in front of the mirror. practice = confidence.
now you guys should look like pros when doing the ns checkup!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:34 pm
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
RJC 13 - 7 SAJC
RJC 95 - 6 SRJC (our score is unconfirmed, the referee lost count i think)
RJC vs PJC @ PJC, 4.45pm, it'd be good if there was support!
RJC vs JJC @ RI, 4.45pm, date is tentative
10/5/2006: semifinals
it's really scary how the season progresses so quickly. there's just 2 more matches to the semis (assuming we win those matches) and then after the semis its the finals. so assuming all wins, we've got 3 more games to prepare ourselves for the finals. thats a really scary prospect lol. i still can't believe that in 4 matches time (assuming ceteris paribus, nothing changes since the past assumption), it'll be the end of my school rugby career. urgh. and then full time mugging will kick in. sigh.
anyway, yesterday went to watch soccer. we played against mjc. its really funny, because rj was down 5-1 before the lightning got worse and the referee had to call the players off to wait out the lightning. then after like half an hour of waiting, the lightning did not subside, so the match was called off!! hahahaha. what's worse for the mjc people is that they had only 3 minutes of normal time left!! wahahaha. so the match is postponed to a later date and the score restarts from 0-0 lol!! hope the soccer guys can do better and beat mjc at the replay! woot. JIAYOU :D
on a side note. i'm so hot that my temperature is 38.6°. :D
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:06 pm
Sunday, April 23, 2006
hot slut
taken off forums, enjoy :D
E-Sex machine
M-Beauty queen
oland chu
a = hot slut!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:57 pm
Thursday, April 20, 2006
it appears that whoever asks us who we're playing, and that when we reply sajc, the common reply is "gg. can win or not? lol"
i mean, what's with this cynicism nowadays? has being a cynic become the 'in' thing to do? is it that hard to say "hey guys, good luck" instead of "haha sure lose wan la u guys"? that little gesture, that small show of support even though the match is far off does mean a lot to us.
i don't know. all i know is that to those cynics out there: fuck off. we don't want to see you at our matches.
to the rest: tomorrow 1645 @ RJC. rjc vs sajc. come down you guys :)
rolandchuahunk sailed at 8:51 pm
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
first match
friday, 21st april, 4:45pm, SAJC
RJC vs SAJCbe there.
rolandchuahunk sailed at 6:20 pm
Sunday, April 16, 2006
it's our style! msg bitch!
rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:42 pm
Saturday, April 08, 2006
wahbiang today i got malu-ed like mad.
stupid dee! make my HEAD waiter roland. now ppl think i give head. i repeat i'm NOT gay ok!
so i got alot of photos taken of me and my head waiter sign. sigh this is not good. even ms lye lah! wtfs
okok so vips came in, and the hardworking staff of waiters (cheems, nazi and me) went to serve them! it was alrite at first lah, not many ppl. then suddenly the CROWD rushed in. and we're like "omg ggxxyyzz i thought we're supposed to serve food when ONLY the vips are there". then i made my rounds and got laughed at la. wtf. kns ahhaha
aiya buaytahan dowan to talk about it. even matin has my picture la. carrying a pineapple. and i almost dropped that pineapple a few times :O
good part abt the job was that i, being the CHIEF waiter (not head, bitches), was delegated the VERY IMPORTANT task of sampling all the food beforehand to ensure its freshness and that it was not laced with drugs/poison. mm mmm!! (the fruit tarts were uber gd btw)
aiya now i know i'm not cut out to be a waiter ahah.
oh and in the morning, i went for ORA walkajogathon slightly late. being the last few to register and collect my t-shirt, to my dismay there was only size "s" left!! ggxxyyzz!! so i got a size "s" instead of the size "l" which my muscular frame deserves xD. so i had to walk around in a tight t shirt that constricted my breathing. so paiseh la! i don't like showing off my hot bod in front of so many ppl :P then the ppl walking in the opposite direction towards rj kept staring at me, i duno why also. probably ogling and admiring, hah!
no pictures (thankfully) :P
rolandchuahunk sailed at 11:31 pm