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a brief history

teamboat was founded in 2002. the exact date is not known, but the formation of teamboat took place during a warmup session before rugby training began. it all began when roland played a game of random team on battle.net before training. relating the experience of the game to daniel, roland talked about him having a horrible partner who referred to the unit "steam tanks" as "steamboats". daniel then had a brainwave, and the two of them decided to create accounts called teamboat1 and teamboat2: the name thought up due to daniel's fascination with food and warcraft.

guanghao joined shortly after the formation of teamboat, due to the need for intelligence to balance out the gluttony in daniel and good looks in roland. together, the trio have accomplished feats such as making seoul garden move out of j8. armed with their passion for food and good recommendations from guanghao, teamboat strives to test (and at the same time, destroy) all buffets in singapore.

currently, the strength of teamboat stands at 3: daniel, guanghao and roland. there is, at the moment, only 1 associate member: clement.

tag, you're it!



March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
March 2007
December 2007
January 2008
June 2008

layout and coding done somewhat by roland
best viewed in 1024x768
even though i use 1280x1024 =p

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

hi is anyone still reading this?

Just wondering, anyone still reading this? Should I continue chronicling the adventures of teamboat? The ruggers? :o

Roland sailed at 7:40 pm

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

never forget me i am nirodh!

rolandchuahunk sailed at 9:54 pm

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

If mario were this hard...

...I would quit gaming altogether!

freaking hilarious. can't stop laughing lmao.


rolandchuahunk sailed at 7:08 pm

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Siloso Beach Party

boys night out at the siloso beach party!

ok now introducing all those who went...

teamboat! (2/3s)

WENjie and loong

tubby justin arjun senthil (hidden behind sneaky sia)

gren NOSE and mark NOSE and jaaf

our teacher in charge mr. siva!

so we all decided to meet at 7.30pm RST (Rugger Standard Time) at harbourfront mrt. everyone reached by around 7.45pm. then we grabbed some sausages and buns (i love such phallic imagery) before heading off towards sentosa. suddenly, out of nowhere


i was curious so i looked at tubby. and then we all laughed.

you see, the organisation was the siloso BEACH party, and the brochures etc. all told us to wear BEACH wear and SANDALS or SLIPPERS. picture included for reference.

tubby was, however, very special.

JEANS and LOAFERS, wtf? hahahahah.

ok after rediculing tubby for... oh wait we did it for the rest of the night. and morning. we reached sentosa where i saw many pretty lights!

then we headed towards the main entrance...

we entered the beach using wenloong's VIP tickets (thanks wenloong!). there were some kodak photographers waiting for us and took 3 of our pictures. i really felt like paris hilton then. after taking the photos, we proceeded to where the party was. or rather, was supposed to be.


disappointed, we trudged off towards the vip area, where the great phototaking skills of mine produced these 2 brilliant group shots.


and darker

hey, i tried.

anyway since the party was not happening we just lazed around in the vip area, doing what we do best - entertain ourselves. arjun took the lead. he was...


merrymaking with senthil

we made a new friend, who i shall call "snakey snakey" for now, and took many pictures with... it

lam trying to EAT the snake

we also made some new female friends who agreed to dance in front of us on the podium.

yarright they were just hired dancers. my fanciful imagination :(

anyway the musical lineup was as such:


DJ Shy (acting her name under the cap O_O)

DJ Rough, Incognito, DJ Jensen, DJ Kavan (we left before him haha)

The party started when DJ Shy and DJ Rough were up. So we went to join the PARTAY!!! Arjun again showcased his zealousness by ripping off his shirt, a la HULK style, and shouted his warcry.


tubby followed suit, ripping off his shirt and shouting...


for those curious, the rest of us did not follow suit. we kept our cool and just enjoyed the stuffy party.


before we knew it, it was already 2008!!! FIREWORKS!!!

after awhile more, we went to rest at the side, where arjun posed for a few pictures to show off his beautiful smile, most likely preparing for the wild dancing that he would showcase later.

soooo charming

anyway incognito came and kinda ruined the entire mood with jazz music. not saying that they weren't good, its just that the party was kinda turned off by the jazz music. so we headed back to the vip area and chilled until dj jensen and his house music. once dj jensen started playing, arjun realised that it was his calling, and bounded straight to the stage to start dancing. he was WILD man. WILD.

i also happened to capture an EXTREMELY rare video of SENTHIL grooving to usher's yeah.

anyway after that we went for supper at seah im and then cabbed home. okay wenloong and i cabbed home, while the rest took the night rider bus home. that's all, folks!

ps. with so many pictures of arjun, i'm REALLY tempted to start an arjunrox.blogspot.com =p

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rolandchuahunk sailed at 12:03 pm

Monday, December 31, 2007

Maria Sharapova Live


Ok anyway I went to watch Maria Sharapova live yesterday @ Singapore Indoor Stadium. After getting holland-ed on the PIE and getting lost for around 10-20 mins, my dad and I finally reached the LOOOOONG ASS QUEUE to get into the stadium. Ohwell. What's new, queuing up in Singapore? I have to say, I was quite irritated at a disgruntled angmoh couple that commented "so much for Singapore's organisation". This was because alot of people were trying to move from the East entrance to the North entrance, and vice versa. Well if everyone had the sense to open their eyes and go to their respective entrances instead of following the crowd like typical Singaporeans do, there wouldn't be such a problem! But oh well. What can I dew?

So after a good half an hour of queuing up, I finally got into the stadium. Nice air con, comfy seats... and I fell asleep. Ok no I didn't but the wait was boring because the match was delayed due to inclement weather (wow that's a term that I use ONLY in NS hahaha). The match was OK lar. Maria won 6-0, 7-6 (12-10). The scoreline flattered her I think -- Anna Chakvetadze (impossible to spell correctly sometimes) did play good tennis also but just made more errors than Sharapova did. I bought a nice Haagen Dazs belgium chocolate to enjoy the match. Mmmmmmm. For the desperate, here's some pictures to whet your appetite.

Here comes the 250 decibels!!!

Gearing up for the 4209138123km/h serve

I got tonnes of pictures should anyone want them. HQ. Just ask.

Anyway watching the match has reaffirmed that some Singaporeans are just not well cultured enough. Like hey, who shouts "KILL HER, MARIA!" in the middle of a tennis match? It just shows how immature some Singaporeans are, and it's quite disgusting to think that such people are allowed into such events. Of course, I don't mean that ALL Singaporeans aren't well cultured, it's just a specific few that present that bad image of Singaporeans. And after the event, most of them didn't have the courtesy to pick up their own litter, leaving the indoor stadium in a COMPLETE mess -- 7-11 cups thrown everywhere, burger boxes strewn about etc etc. Abhorrent behaviour. How can Singapore be the tourist destination of choice if our Singaporeans can't even have the simple courtesy to clean up after themselves? How hard is it to pick up your own coke can? :O Also when 8000+ people leave a certain venue at the same time, it's perfectly NATURAL to have long queues on the road. Some dumb people just refuse to acknowledge that fact and queue up -- they try to cut lanes forcefully and horn unnecessarily. Reflects well upon us eh?

Other than that, last night was very very enjoyable (thanks Eddy!). I'll end off with a nice picture of both Anna and Maria posing together for a picture. Ciaos!

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rolandchuahunk sailed at 2:22 pm

Friday, March 23, 2007

1. You are posted to OCS (ARMY WING).
2. Your vocation is OFFICER CADET (CBT).
3. Your are to report to: SAFTI Military Institute, Warrior's Hall.
Reporting Date/Time: 26/03/2007 at 0700 to 0800 hrs.
Person to report to: AMPO
Contact Number: 67997200/342/654
You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force.


oh and if you think 300 has too much gore/bloodshed/unnecessary killing, check out the PG version of 300.

rolandchuahunk sailed at 10:06 am

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

wassup wassup wassup!


wow after such a long hiatus.... i'm BACK!! woohoo blogging because i'm really bored. the flight from UC to searing gorge is mother long. knnbccb.

i doubt anyone is reading this anyway. why am i bothering? mhm.

okays so teamboat should be renamed teambald, cos we're all botak now. or rather, lam has always been botak whereas guang and i have enlisted and are serving the nation (that's right. all you faggots out there enjoying your lives right now... we're protecting you guys so you better thank us =D)

omfg touch @ rj just got postponed wtf is this shit man ahhhhh. my plans my plans!

oh and i'm totally in love with supernatural and heroes. not yet with lost because i haven't gotten down to watching it yet. hahahah.

ok this was a short update. ciaoz

edit: ns boys please remember to take your sperm killing malaria pills!

rolandchuahunk sailed at 3:15 pm